. From the Bennis and Thomas reading, it talks about leaders who have had a crucible experience that shaped their leadership. What is an example of a time where you had a crucible moment or have witnessed it happen to another person?
2. In the Forbes article, the author defined the transformative systemic co-creative process as the process which focuses on the partnership with the team in a coaching conversational flow to gain clarity and alignment on organizational outcomes. Do you agree or disagree with this definition? Why or why not? Is there something missing in the definition that you would like to add?
3. Refer to the table of transformative leadership ethos on p.91 in the Bukusi reading. After going through the table, choose three of most relatable ethos and explain how you see yourself integrating that ethos in your own long term ethical leadership developmental framework.
4. In the Bukusi reading, the author talks about the indigenous African philosophy of Ubuntu, which is a technique used by leaders who are willing to explore and question current reality and are keen to construct and reconstruct a new reality as is required of the situation. What part of our leadership practice reality do you believe needs to be reconstructed and why?
5. For this last week of discussion, I would like each of you to come up with your own 5th question based on what has resonated with you over the course of the semester that relates to this week’s topic. Please pose the question and answer the question. Please remember to be specific and provide evidence.”