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Most desirable RDBMSs to have experience with for a career as a DBA

    1) In reviewing current help wanted advertising in the papers, online, word of mouth, and other sources, what do you feel are the most
The post Most desirable RDBMSs to have experience with for a career as a DBA first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.



1) In reviewing current help wanted advertising in the papers, online, word of mouth, and other sources, what do you feel are the most desirable RDBMSs to have experience with for a career as a DBA or database developer and what skill sets are required? Why?

2) What is PL/SQL and how can that be used in DBA and database development work?

3) What are stored procedures and triggers and how are they used in database applications?

4) What trends in Database technology seem to be most prominent? Be sure to explain the trend and reference your sources.



The post Most desirable RDBMSs to have experience with for a career as a DBA first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.


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