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Repeated measures independent variable

  a. Conduct a repeated measures ANOVA. Label the repeated measures independent variable “type_of_verb”. Provide SPSS output showing the significance level for the within participants IV.
The post Repeated measures independent variable first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.


a. Conduct a repeated measures ANOVA. Label the repeated measures independent variable “type_of_verb”. Provide SPSS output showing the significance level for the within participants IV. (1 point)
b. State the null and alternative hypotheses for the main effect of type of verb on participants’ estimates of car speeds. (1 point)
c. For this particular dataset, do the results suggest that type of verb has a small, medium, or large effect on participants’ estimates of car speed? Be sure to justify your response by mentioning the effect size for the main effect. (1 point).
d. Produce a line graph that shows each of the means. Provide SPSS output showing this line graph. (1 Point).
e. Does the line graph in 1d suggest that there are significant differences between each of the means? Justify your answer by explaining which means seem to be different and which means do not seem to be different.
f. Conduct pairwise comparisons between each of the means using the Bonferroni correct for family-wise error rate. Provide SPSS output showing the pairwise contrasts. (1 point).
g. Which of the means are significantly different from each other based on the output provided in 1f. (1 point)
h. Suppose you wished to conduct this study again. Using the effect size based on the current dataset, what would the sample size have to be to conduct this study again with power = .80? Provide a picture of the G*Power results with the number of participants required circled in that picture. (1 point)
i. Suppose the effects of type of verb occurs because of weaknesses in participants working memory; those with poorer working memory are unable to remember how fast the car was travelling due to weak representations of the viewed events. To explore this possibility, the researcher decides to use working memory skills as measured by the digit span to control for the effects of individual differences in working memory on the effects of type of verb.

The post Repeated measures independent variable first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.


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