D 6 in 9 in 20 ft d 3 in Pump Problem 3 Problem 2 Problem…

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D 6 in 9 in 20 ft d 3 in Pump Problem 3 Problem 2 Problem…

D 6 in 9 in 20 ft d 3 in Pump Problem 3 Problem 2 Problem 3 Gasoline at 68 °F flows down through a Venturi nozzle as in the diagram. The throat diameter is 3 in., and the pipe diameter is 6 in. A mercury manometer attached to the pipe shows a 4-in. reading. The manometer tapss are 9 in apart. The Venturi discharge coefficient is given as Cy 0.9526 – 0.179(A4, where B is the ratio of the throat diameter to pipe diameter. Calculate the pipe flow Reynolds number and check the above correlation for accuracy
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