3. The underwater gate is holding water from entering inside the channel with atmospheric pressure inside,…

Homework Help Question & Answers

3. The underwater gate is holding water from entering inside the channel with atmospheric pressure inside,…

3. The underwater gate is holding water from entering inside the channel with atmospheric pressure inside, so assume it is negligible. Outside is a fresh water with the density of 1000 kg/m’. At p.C is a pin holding the gate (two reactions!). There is a lock at p.A with horizontal reaction. The length of a gate is 8m (perpendicular to you). Determine: .1 The pressure on the BC and AB 3.2 Reactions at p.C and p.A. 3.3 Will the bolt in the pin C will sustain the fluid if the max load is 1,000 N? Note: The max load is a resultant force from both x- and y- reactions. 1.5 m 1.25 m 2 m
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