A 6.00-kg block is in contact with a 4.00-kg block on a horizontal frictionless surface as…

Homework Help Question & Answers

A 6.00-kg block is in contact with a 4.00-kg block on a horizontal frictionless surface as…

A 6.00-kg block is in contact with a 4.00-kg block on a horizontal frictionless surface as shown in the figure. The 6.00-kg block is being pushed by a horizontal 20.0-N force as shown. 1. 20.0 6.00 4.00 kg kg A) Draw free-body diagram and write the equation of motion for the 6.0kg block Free-Body Diagram X: Y: B) Draw free-body diagram and write the equation of motion for the 4.0kg block X: Free-Body Diagram Y: C) What is the common acceleration of the blocks? D) What is the magnitude of the force that the 6.00-kg block exerts on the 4.00-kg block?
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