Homework Help Question & Answers
Create a C program that: Within main, declares a linear array consisting of 10 double values….
Create a C program that: Within main, declares a linear array consisting of 10 double values. You can assign values to the array when it is declared or fill them items manually using scanf () – your choice. Also, declare three doubles: min, max, and average. Then from within main, a function is called. The function should take a pointer to the array declared above and then finds the maximum value, the minimum value, and calculates the average of the values in the array. The values should be “returned” to main from the function using pointers. The function prototype should be something like: void arrayStuff(double x[], int size, double* x, double* y, double* z); where x will be the minimum value, y is the maximum value, and z is the average. (You can changes the specific names if your prefer.) Finally, from within main the array values and the min, max, and average values are printed.
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