L is equal to 5m L1 is equal to 1m L2 is equal to 2.5m Mass…

Homework Help Question & Answers

L is equal to 5m L1 is equal to 1m L2 is equal to 2.5m Mass…

L is equal to 5m

L1 is equal to 1m

L2 is equal to 2.5m

Mass of beam 7500 kg

Mass of pillars 1000kg

location as before. Beam a. Calculate the forces acting on the beam. (Points 10) b. Calculate the forces acting on each of the pillars. (Points 10) C. Calculate what portion of the beam weight each of the pillar supports. (Points 10) III. Clearly explain the physics concepts that result about beam-pillar system from the problems. (Points 20)
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