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Neighborhood Mapping/Walking

  After reading, The Chase and watching the clip of “Examined Life,” please do the following… First: Take a walk Materials needed: – Weather appropriate clothes
The post Neighborhood Mapping/Walking first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.


After reading, The Chase and watching the clip of “Examined Life,” please do the following…
First: Take a walk
Materials needed:
– Weather appropriate clothes and shoes/boots
– A mask
– Your Commonplace Book and something to write with
Go for a walk in a place that is either completely familiar or completely brand-new. Dress warmly, wear a mask,
and bring your commonplace book and something to write with. Spent time walking in this place, really being
present, listening to and looking at only the sights and sounds around you. What does it feel like to walk here?
What do you notice about your body in this space? What does it look like/sound like in this place? Pay
Second: Make a map
Materials needed:
– Something large to draw on. (A piece of poster board, the back of a large piece of wrapping paper, an opened
and flattened cardboard box, several sheets of printer paper taped together, etc.)
– Your Sharpie marker
– Your pack of something in multiple colors (crayons, colored pencils, markers, pens, etc.)
Option A: Draw a map of the place you just were, adding as many details as you can remember. Follow your
instincts and let the pens/markers do the thinking. After drawing, write. What stories exist here? What
memories does this place hold?
Option B: Draw a map of an imagined world/neighborhood/kingdom. Follow your instincts and let the
pens/markers do the thinking. After drawing, write. What stories exist here? What memories does this place
Option C: Draw a map of your childhood neighborhood or other place of deep significance to you. Follow your
instincts and let the pens/markers do the thinking. After drawing, write. What stories exist here? What
memories does this place hold?



The post Neighborhood Mapping/Walking first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.


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