please help me answer 100% correct answer. very important hand writing must be clear and easy…

Homework Help Question & Answers

please help me answer 100% correct answer. very important hand writing must be clear and easy…

please help me answer 100% correct answer. very important hand writing must be clear and easy to read

b) The capacitance, inductance and load resistance of a Boost step-up dc-to-dc converter are 1.0μF, 10μΗ and 20.0Ω respectively. It is used to converter 10V dc input to 30V dc output. The switching frequency f,-500 KHz. Determine the following for this converter:- i. The duty cycle (D) ii. The period (T). li. The ripple voltage (AVou). iv. The critical frequency (). v. The power at the load. (2 marks) (2 marks) (6 marks) (3 marks) (2 marks)
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