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Pre-event information

Event host by Geogre Thomson Host want and expect that
all the invited audience and their family or friends are come to join
this sport event and make it successful.
All the requirements of the participated audiences are fulfilled and
for them food facilities are provided at their seat where they enjoy
food at the same time watch the match.
The motivation factor for people to come over to this football event
is that they can take autograph of any player whichever they want.
Market demand is higher of the football match project manager has
3 year experience of conducting such type of events.
Pre-event information: Attendees should register their name before attend the event and
the print out paper which they get after the registration.
other services also available such as catering, artists, entertainment and speakers, visual
presentation of match to the attendees.
The event manager recruit and hire the capable staffs and volunteers that are perform great
role in serving best facilities to the audience so they enjoy the event. Specific tasks
between the workers, reporting system maintained and focus on team communication.
More details call on: 9989786787 or 8789864530
Event description: This is the football event which is held by George Thomson at the
Scope: Event provide high success and growth to the event host Strategy: Promote the
event at different platforms such as Youtube, Facebook, Instagram, etc.
Vision: To provide thee best team matches and won various trophies.
Mission & Objectives: To conduct football event as per the requirement of audience
where they enjoy their time (Rookwood, 2020).
Strategic role of event: To reach and gain attention of various people to the football
The total budget of this
football event is $200,000. it
includes different resources
such as uniforms, gate passes,
volunteer wages, equipment
and so more.
The timescale of the football
match are 2 months for
completing the whole
matches. Deadline date for
completing all matches is 15th
July 2021
Bunds, K.S., Casper, J.M., Frey, H.C. and Barrett, M., 2019. Air pollution at college football games:
Developing a methodology for measuring air pollutant exposure in a sport event microenvironment.
Event Management, 23(3), pp.399-412.
Rookwood, J., 2020. The politics of ConIFA: Organising and managing international football events for
unrecognised countries. Managing Sport and Leisure, 25(1-2), pp.6-20.
Internal stakeholders are team
members, coaches and organizer.
External stakeholders of the
football event are government,
investors and sponsors that invest
money to conduct the event (Bunds, et. al., 2019).
They are focus on maintaining and managing the
activities of football events where all the players
are use different resources and equipments.


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