Question 1 5 pts Determine the Laplace transform of the given function f(t) = teu cos…

Homework Help Question & Answers

Question 1 5 pts Determine the Laplace transform of the given function f(t) = teu cos…

Question 1 5 pts Determine the Laplace transform of the given function f(t) = teu cos 4t OF(s) = (8-4)2-16 [18-4)2+16) None of them OF(8) (8-4)2-16 [(-4)2+4)* (8-4)2-4 [(8-4)2 +16] OF(s) Question 2 5 pts The general solution for the differential equation with x as the independent variable to y(4) – y” – 9y’ +11y +6y=is_(Hint: y(x) = e(1- 2) is a solution.] 32 + Cle2 Oy(x) = cze(1+x2)x + cze(1-12x + c3 e3x + c4e-2x y(x) = cjell-v2)x + cze(1-12]z + cze y(x) = Cie(1+v2) x + cze(1-x2)x + cze(1-x2)x+ cze-3x + c4e23 Oy(x) = cze(1+x2) x + cze1-12) x + c3e-6x + C4evt
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