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Bryant & Stratton College is committed to your personal, academic, and professional success. PLEG 230 is an intensive course in the Paralegal Studies Program in which students are immersed in the field of criminal litigation and related t

Bryant & Stratton College is committed to your personal, academic, and professional success. PLEG 230 is an intensive course in the Paralegal Studies Program in which students are immersed in the field of criminal litigation and related topics.  The purpose of this Portfolio Project is to give you real-world experience as a future paralegal and to aid in building your employability portfolio.

Your portfolio is intended to be a place where you collect your work and demonstrate your achievements; a place where you can showcase your intellectual growth and career readiness through the compilation of various pieces of work you have accumulated throughout your degree program. By the time you complete the Paralegal Studies Program, included in your portfolio will be a narrative, a professional marketing plan, job-seeking documents (resume, cover letter, and references), evidence of program-specific knowledge and learning, and life-long learning competence.  Building the portfolio throughout your academic career will allow you to set goals, establish a plan for growth, and stay on course for graduation and life-long learning achievements.  The Portfolio Project for PLEG 230 was designed not only to give you a thorough and practical introduction to the field of criminal litigation but also to provide you with a number of pieces of work that you can include in your portfolio.


For this Portfolio Project, you are being placed into a hypothetical scenario in which you are working as a paralegal at a law firm and are working closely with the Managing Partner on a criminal defense case. The firm’s client, Christoph Blume, hereafter Chris, has been charged with second-degree murder for the death of his brother-in-law Stephon Archer, hereafter Steph.  As you would in practice, you will be following this case through to trial and working on various projects for the Managing Partner during the course of this ses

There are four (4) separate parts to this Portfolio Project, each with a separate submission deadline. Carefully review all project directions closely and contact your instructor with any questions.


Each week, use the information from the emails and the research materials you are given by the Managing Partner to prepare the documents outlined below.  You will be utilizing Lexis Advance, your textbook, and various states’ bar association websites in order to conduct your legal research and utilize free legal resources.  Templates showing the form of many of the items we will be drafting this session are available online.  It is permissible for you to utilize a template as a starting point, but you must always indicate the source of your template on your submission.

All deliverables should be in the following format: 12 point Times New Roman or Arial font, one-inch margins, and double-spaced.  Edit your work for spelling and grammar and use proper legal citations pursuant to The Bluebook. Please refer to the grading rubric for each deliverable for specific grading criteria.

Project Fact Pattern

The following Fact Pattern will be used in all components of your Portfolio Project.

Christoph Blume, hereafter Chris, is a 55 and a school teacher for a local school district. Chris is a well-known and well-liked individual and grade school teacher who amongst other things has coached little league baseball, volunteered his time delivering meals to the elderly in a “meals on wheels” program, and was active in his local church.


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