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Task a) Identify the area for the research project b) Develop the aims and objectives of the research project c) Explain ethical c


1. Be able to justify a topic for research within services for health and social care or children and young people

2. Understand how the components of research are used

3. Be able to conduct a research project within services for health and social care or children and young  people

4. Be able to analyze research findings


a) Identify the area for the research project

b) Develop the aims and objectives of the research project

c) Explain ethical considerations that apply to the area of the research project

d) Complete a literature review of the chosen area of research

e) Critically compare different types of researc

f) Evaluate a range of methods that can be used to collect data

g) Identify a range of tools that can be used to analyze data

h)  Explain the importance of validity and reliability of data used within research

i) Identify sources of support whilst conducting a research project

j) Formulate a detailed plan for a research project

k) Select research methods for the project

l) Develop research questions to be used within the project

m) Conduct the research using identified research methods

n) Record and collate data


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