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Tasks 1. Identify the advantage of using a standard software development lifecycle model for developing the software solution that is proposed for the organization/ institution. 2. Design the data model of the software solution that will be implemented in the organization/institution by considering al

Learning outcomes 

1. Demonstrate system designing methodologies, tools, and the techniques

2. Evaluate different systems development life cycle, models

3. Analyze the system by using appropriate fact-finding techniques.

4. Design the system by using appropriate system design techniques.

Assignment 1


Conduct an organizational analysis and use appropriate fact-gathering techniques to gather the system requirements of a client and discuss the system designing methodologies and tools.

Assignment 2


1. Identify the advantage of using a standard software development lifecycle model for developing the software solution that is proposed for the organization/ institution.

2. Design the data model of the software solution that will be implemented in the organization/institution by considering all required data/information requirements and explain briefly what is the best technique is to carry out data model designing of the system.

3. Design the functional model of the system software solution that will be implemented in the organization/institution having concerned all the features /facilities, data collection, transitions, transfers, and dissemination requirements and explain briefly what is the best technique is to carry out functional model designing of the system.


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