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Choose a disease or condition which affects one of the systems we are covering this semester.  It can be viral, bacterial, fungal, protozoan, congenital/genetic, biochemical , drug induced, or the result of trauma, overuse, etc.  Investigate the history of the problem, the Disease process and treatments. The report for this pa


Human Anatomy and Physiology

Disease Papers

About the Short Paper:

  1. Choose a disease or condition which affects one of the systems we are covering this semester.  It can be viral, bacterial, fungal, protozoan, congenital/genetic, biochemical , drug induced, or the result of trauma, overuse, etc.
  1. Investigate the history of the problem, the Disease process and treatments.
  1. The report for this paper should follow the format below.  This paper is worth 40 points maximum.  The points you earn will be added to your final point total at the end of the semester.
  1. Paper Format
    1. Title, course name, your name and date on first page
    2. Body of paper begins on the first page.  Two or three pages maximum.
    3. Minimum of two references on last page
  1. Submission requirements


    1. Submit as email attachment: gdk2460@dcccd.edu
    2. Single-spaced
    3. print only on one side of the page


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