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Child or adolescent development

Find an a current news report, editorial, magazine article, or video that makes a claim about child or adolescent development (basically anything that involves human development).
The post Child or adolescent development first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.

Find an a current news report, editorial, magazine article, or video that makes a claim about child or adolescent development (basically anything that involves human development).


Summarize the main points (Claims) the source is trying to get across (1-2 sentences)
Describe the evidence that the source use to support the main point.
Evaluate the source – Explain where source comes from and why was the source convincing.
Write out the citation for the source
Online citation generator – http://www.citationmachine.net/apa/cite-a-website/manual

The post Child or adolescent development first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.


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