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Course Assignment and Grading: Below are some INNOVATION TOPIC IDEAS (grouped just for clarity). The ONLY criteria for a topic are that it must be related to TECHNOLOGY. Utilize GOOGLE and free sites such as www.informationweek.com online. You can register (free) for back issues. Please note that I will penalize heavily for

Course Assignment and Grading:

Below are some INNOVATION TOPIC IDEAS (grouped just for clarity). The ONLY criteria for a topic are that it must be related to TECHNOLOGY.

Utilize GOOGLE and free sites such as www.informationweek.com online. You can register (free) for back issues. Please note that I will penalize heavily for plagiarism – so footnote accordingly and show me that you researched and understand the topic well enough to explain in your own words.


1. Write a minimum 10-page paper on the chosen innovation topic (70% of grade)

a) How did the innovation you chose come about? (History, founder, circumstances)
b) was
What companies or industries utilized this innovation to gain market share?
c) Clear Definitions
d) Business Examples (e.g., case studies, newspaper articles, m g zine stories)
e) Pros/Cons
f) What did this innovation lead to (any other new innovations?)
g) What is next? (What does the future hold?)
h) Lessons Learned – what mistakes or problems we a result of this?
i) Your opinion and recap
j) Bibliography and all quotes footnoted (n t to be included as part of page minimum)

I picked Business as a Social Network (FACEBOOK) to write this paper.

Topic Group 1 Topic Group 2

study (Software Development)
Networking Programming

Communications Database Management

Firewalls & Data Security via Datawarehousing

Viruses & Anti-Virus Protection Data Mining

This Datamarts
Spam and Spam Filters

Desktop Management shared Data Reporting

Managed Services Project Management

Topic G oup 3 Topic Group 4

(Systems Integration) (Cloud Computing)
Legacy Migrations Virtualization

ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) Disaster Recovery/Business Continuity

CRM (Customer Relations Mgmt) Data Storage

TPS (Transaction Processing Systems) Security

DSS (Decision Science Systems) Speed

EIS (Enterprise IS) Security Issues related to Cloud technologies

Topic Group 5 Topic Group 6
This study (Social Media) (Other)
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