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Identify significant personal standards or principles you hold and discuss how they guide, limit, or circumscribe your stated vision, mission, and goal plan.

Personal Value Assessment


The purpose of this assignment is to assess personal value in light of professional goals.

In the same way that an organization performs with greater intention and cohesiveness when its employees and stakeholders are all working with a communal sense of purpose toward a shared goal, you will be able to better and more successfully shape your future when you have a clear idea of who you are, the value you offer, and what you ultimately want to achieve. Your personal vision provides the framework for your goals by reflecting your aspirations for the individual you hope to become. And more concretely, your personal mission defines the areas in the industry where you intend to compete and the customers you intend to serve.

Together, your vision and mission statements offer a foundational identity, defining who you intend to serve and in what capacity (your mission), and how those elements will help you shape your intended future (your vision).

Based on what you have read in the study materials, develop your own personal vision and mission statements from the perspective of yourself as a business professional, supported by a goal plan that will enable you to achieve your vision in the next 5 to 10 years.

Include the following in your 1,000-1,250-word response:

Define your personal vision and mission statements.

List a minimum of five SMART goals you will need to achieve to reach your vision and describe how these relate to your overall personal strategy.

Identify significant personal standards or principles you hold and discuss how they guide, limit, or circumscribe your stated vision, mission, and goal plan.

What do you need to do (or keep doing) to ensure that you reach your vision and achieve your mission? How will you monitor and modify your plan to measure success in achieving your outlined goals?

How do the vision, mission, and values you have outlined create a competitive advantage for yourself in the job market? How would the leader of a business organization use these same elements to create competitive advantage in the industry?

How is the process of setting, measuring, and modifying your personal vision, mission, and goal plan different from that required by the leader of a small company? How does this process differ from that required by the leader of a large corporation?

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