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PART I: 1. Read the assigned readings for week 10: (Will attach) PART II: Choose one of the two prompts given below and write a short (1-2 double-spaced pages in APA format) response and/or reflection to the prompt. In your reflection, you are encouraged to examine your personal thoughts. You are also strongly encouraged to consider how the readings and other content of this class relate to the topic and how they inform you

PART I: 1. Read the assigned readings for week 10: (Will attach) PART II: Choose one of the two prompts given below and write a short (1-2 double-spaced pages in APA format) response and/or reflection to the prompt. In your reflection, you are encouraged to examine your personal thoughts. You are also strongly encouraged to consider how the readings and other content of this class relate to the topic and how they inform your own understanding. Most states now advocate for students who require special services to be included in as much of the general education experience as possible. However, there continue to be disagreements between stakeholders over what that should look like. Your questions for this week: 1. In Mississippi, the number of students identified for special services has historically been weighted toward minority students. What could be some reasons for this that are anchored in privilege and power? 2. A student with cerebral palsy wants to be on the championship baseball team. The coach is told the student is to be put on the team and allowed to play in some JV games. However, other students who tried out and were cut protest. What is your response?


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