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Pick a news article that is related to International Marketing and was published within the past seven days (12 – 18 May 2021), and discuss why or how this news article related to what you have learnt from MARK957 (International Marketing Strategy). 2. Based on a case study learnt in this subject (International Marketing Research at the Mayo Clinic), suggest international marketing research approaches for the company.


1. Pick a news article that is related to International Marketing and was published within the past seven days (12 – 18 May 2021), and discuss why or how this news article related to what you have learnt from MARK957 (International Marketing Strategy).

2. Based on a case study learnt in this subject (International Marketing Research at the Mayo Clinic), suggest international marketing research approaches for the company.

Discuss your answer with justification and supporting evidence. Be specific about sources of secondary data and the best methods in gathering primary data.

3. Based on a case study learnt in this subject (Nestle – The Infant Formula Controversy), suggest short-term and long term marketing strategies to solve the problems for the company.

Discuss your answer with justification and supporting evidence


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