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Provide evidence of significant pressure on HoF from two of the drivers covered in the module.

The core of the task is to provide evidence of significant pressure on HoF from two of the drivers covered in the module.  You do identify two drivers; technology and innovation and change but these are not two of the drivers covered in the module materials.

The drivers must come from the following list:

Sustainability and the Environmental Agenda
Ethical and social responsibility
Corporate social responsibility
Social change
Demographic change


You are required to

Demonstrate how your two drivers are impacting on the company and contributing to those trading difficulties.

You must identify why the company is in trouble, providing evidence for the two drivers you have chosen and evaluating the nature of the pressures exerted by the drivers.

This must be the major part of your submission.  Your work does cover this to some good extent but do try to take a critical/evaluative approach.

Having identified two relevant drivers you are then required to analyse and evaluate how the company has responded to each driver.  To what extent have their responses been effective?

The third part of the assignment then requires that, based on your evaluation of the company’s responses, you provide recommendations for how the company could enhance those responses and, hopefully, achieve a better outcome.

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