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Question: To what extent has globalisation been the cause of global health problems? You must include the following in your report – define what globalisation and global health are; – evaluate the the


You will write a case study report to present to the World Health Organisation (WHO). This will answer the following report question

TOPIC: To what extent has globalisation  been the cause of global health problems.

You must include the following in your report – define what globalisation and global health are; – evaluate the theories of globalisation which help to explain its impact; – critique the theories of globalisation that you use; – offer specific case studies of globalisations impact on global health problems, both positive and negative; – offer a clear conclusion which answers the above question.

This should be written in a report format as if it was to be presented to the WHO, using sub-headings, images (cited), graphs and charts and any other useful visual aids such as infographics. As you are at level six of your degree, you must show wider reading than just the lecture and seminar information and that of the online tasks.


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