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Review the CMS website and search for additional support that can be used for making recommendations in your final project. Create a journal assignment identifying any questions you still have regarding your final project. What areas or concepts in the project do you feel you have a firm grasp of at this point?Explain

IHP 630 Module Eight Journal Guidelines :

In this journal, you can ask any questions that you have about the feedback from previous milestone submissions or about the final project submission. This journal assignment will help you with the recommendation portion of the final project. Upon reviewing the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) website, as well as your Milestone One and Milestone Two assignments, you will gather information that will assist in creating recommendations. What is most important is that you base your recommendation on what you have researched in the book and the various reading assignments.


Review the CMS website and search for additional support that can be used for making recommendations in your final project. Create a journal assignment identifying any questions you still have regarding your final project. What areas or concepts in the project do you feel you have a firm grasp of at this point?

A course journal is generally made up of many individual assignments. Journal activities in this course are private between you and the instructor.

Guidelines for Submission:

Your 2–3-paragraph journal assignment should follow current APA-style guidelines. Submit assignment as a Word document with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins.

The post Review the CMS website and search for additional support that can be used for making recommendations in your final project. Create a journal assignment identifying any questions you still have regarding your final project. What areas or concepts in the project do you feel you have a firm grasp of at this point?Explain appeared first on Essay Quoll.


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