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Critically evaluate the evidence on how the diagnostic modalities of torso trauma haemorrhage has evolved since 2000.

Blunt abdominal trauma

This assignment is in three parts and should include the following:

Critically evaluate the evidence on how the diagnostic modalities of torso trauma haemorrhage has evolved since 2000.

Critically evaluate the evidence of how the clinical resuscitation and early management of torso trauma haemorrhage has evolved since 2000.

A CT scan of a blunt trauma patient reveals a haemoperitoneum and a grade 4 splenic injury. Critically discuss the potential management in relation to embolisation and / or surgery.

Well‐structured paper with appropriate structure and flow 5

Accurate grammar and spelling 5

Appropriate introduction to assignment 5

Appropriate conclusions reached 5

Use of evidence – References are relevant, contemporary (or seminal) and 5 accurately cited using the Vancouver system

Critically evaluate the evidence on how the diagnostic modalities of torso trauma 25 haemorrhage has evolved since 2000.

Critically evaluate the evidence of how the clinical resuscitation and early 25 management of torso trauma haemorrhage has evolved since 2000.

A CT scan of a blunt trauma patient reveals a haemoperitoneum and a grade 4 25 splenic injury. Critically discuss the potential management in relation to

embolization and / or surgery.

Total 100

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