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Critics of the American style of government

    Critics of the American style of government point to a number of problems in American elections. Foreign critics argue that the American party system
The post Critics of the American style of government first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.



Critics of the American style of government point to a number of problems in American elections. Foreign critics argue that the American party system makes voting harder for regular voters because American politicians often “buck” their parties and act like mavericks. They also argue that the election process itself is problematic. They argue that both the nomination contest and the general election have low turnouts comparatively, and serve to further the interests of the rich elite who vote. Weak campaign finance laws also bias the system towards those that raise a lot of money from wealthy contributors leading to corruption. Do you agree or disagree with this? Why?

The post Critics of the American style of government first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.


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