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Critique policy in area of Leadership and Management.

Critique of Policy in area of Leadership and Management

Assignment Brief

Issues and Perspectives – Leadership and Management Specialist Pathway ED5810

Your will need to:

Critique policy in area of Leadership and Management.

You will present your critique in 10 minutes plus 5 minutes for questions & answers.

You will also submit a supporting portfolio contacting your notes and evidence of how you have constructed your presentation.
This is 100% weighting.

The details

Educational Leaders have the challenging task of mediating and filtering policy from government into their organisations in a thoughtful way.

As we will see, this process can impact on organisations and individuals in a range of ways. Some themes of impact include: purpose, pedagogy, provision and personnel.

All of this links to the role of educational leaders which need to be central to your presentation.

Your task is to choose one specific policy and critique it with reference to these themes of impact and the broader role of educational leaders.

Resources of interest (all on BBL)

Hall (1993) Policy Paradigms, Social Learning, and the State: The Case of Economic Policymaking in Britain.

Lewis (2018) Policy and the image of the child: a critical analysis of drivers and levers in English early years curriculum policy.

Wright (2011) Between ‘Bastard’ and ‘Wicked’ leadership? School leadership and the emerging policies of the UK Coalition Government.

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