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Describe Michael Rutter’s (1994) concept of “event chains” – how does this concept relate to stressful events and resiliency? How might a parent’s divorce create a sequence of events (event chains) influencing a child’s life?

Module Assignment #11


• Read the book file

Answer the question in the module 11 template doc file. No need to write in essay form just short answer but thoroughly.


1. Describe the term “resilience.” Why, in your opinion, do some children thrive in the face of adversity and others do not? Identify (in your opinion) 3 key factors that help children to thrive in challenging environments (you may want to review three factors of protective features on pages 324-325):

2. Describe Michael Rutter’s (1994) concept of “event chains” – how does this concept relate to stressful events and resiliency? How might a parent’s divorce create a sequence of events (event chains) influencing a child’s life?

3. Identify and describe the 5 key factors that have been critical in helping to establish resiliency among children who live in “toxic” environments (page 334; Jarrett, 1995). Can you think of any additional factors?:

4. Discuss the term “authoritative parenting” (page 337) – What type of parenting style were you raised with and what type is most effective for children in your opinion?

5. Gender has been identified as a factor in resiliency (page 340). Boys seem to be more vulnerable to marital conflict (less resilience) than girls. Why do you feel that boys are more at risk to stressful environments? Comment on the study by Fagot (1978) and Heatherington (1979) on page 341:

Hoffman text:

6. Briefly review chapter 11 and discuss how hate crimes have increased in our society within the last 30 years (review the incidents described on pages 147 – 148). In your opinion, can hate crimes against persons who are simply different from us based on ethnicity, gender or sexual orientation ever be stopped?

7. Identify and briefly discuss the four events that are typically associated with the development of hate crimes.

8. Identify and briefly discuss the 4 methods in which hate crimes are learned:

9. Identify and describe the 3 key elements that are necessary to prevent hate crimes from continuing:

The post Describe Michael Rutter’s (1994) concept of “event chains” – how does this concept relate to stressful events and resiliency? How might a parent’s divorce create a sequence of events (event chains) influencing a child’s life? appeared first on Essay Quoll.


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