Module Assignment #10
• Read the book file
Rudkin Text
1. Discuss how neighborhoods can revitalize themselves to become vibrant and healthy for the residents living in those communities. Describe one very successful program – the Dudley Street Neighborhood Initiative – what were some of the things done to make this program so successful?
2. Describe Zimmerman’s (2000) three components of empowerment (page 282) – provide examples of each:
3. Identify the 4 different types of resources as described by Hobfoll (1988) – page 283:
4. Part of the problem in many communities is the fair distribution of resources that are often based on a zero-sum approach. Katz (1984) describes competition developing from scarcity paradigms, where resources are considered limited. Katz describes two different cultures that embrace a synergy paradigm. Discuss what a synergy paradigm means (page 283) and how the !Kung of the Kalahari Desert and the rural peoples of Fiji Islands distribute their resources:
Discuss the term “possible selves” – what some examples of “positive” possible selves and negative possible selves? How might possible selves enhance the development of empowerment to people living in oppressed society (page 290)
Hoffman Text: The Paradox of Maintaining Ethnic & Cultural Identity and Assimilating in the Dominant Group
6. Briefly discuss the problems that many new immigrant groups face when they arrive to a new location – describe the findings of Hodson and Sorrentino (2001). How might some new immigrant groups facilitate the process of assimilation?
7. Discuss the term “collective self-efficacy” and how this concept may facilitate assimilation among ethnically diverse communities:
8. Discuss how “proximity” and “repeated exposure” are two critical elements that facilitate how groups interact. Be sure to briefly discuss Zajonc’s (1968) findings:
9. Identify and discuss four techniques that may promote cultural identity and assimilation (see pages 144 – 146):
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