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Organization Analysis ( HONDA )

              Task You are required to develop and suggest an appropriate business strategy for the given organisation ( HONDA )
The post Organization Analysis ( HONDA ) first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.









You are required to develop and suggest an appropriate business strategy for the given organisation ( HONDA ) . In so doing it is suggested you might like to consider the following issues:
1. Description of current vision, mission and objectives. You can also analyse Porter’s 5 Forces of Competitive Positioning
2. Analysis of macro environment ( PESTEL ) within which the firm operates including opportunities and threats, SWOT (compare with competitors figures e.g turnover, profit, sales …etc),
3. Outline and critically assess the organisations business model, use Alexander Osterwalder BMC 2013
4. Analysis of the organisation’s resources and capabilities, (Threshold & distinctive capabilities, VIRO and achieving sustainable competitive advantage.. etc )
5. From this information present an informed strategic view using theory and strategy tools as to how the organisation might choose its future strategy and what that strategy might be and include for the future.

You are required to put together a PowerPoint presentation and detailed word document explaining the slide contents.
You are encouraged to use a variety of strategy tools and examples. You should read around the case study extensively using a variety of appropriate and current academic journals and magazines.
You can be creative in your powerpoint presentation mixing academic journals with other material that addresses your case study, for example business and trade magazines, links to news and magazine articles etc. These sources are often used in business to form opinions and provide contextual information. However, you must use the material to draw robust strategic conclusions through the application of theory covered so far during the module.
The last slides of your presentation will be your references used. Harvard referencing of all sources should be included at the end of your presentation. Authors mentioned during the presentation should be correctly cited.


Assessment Criteria
This is an individual task and you will be assessed according to the learning outcomes, applying thorough research and appropriate theory and strategic tools:
1. Evaluate and reflect on the influences driving the business (25%)
2. Analyse the competitive landscape of the organisations (25%)
3. Identify strategic challenges and how choices are made (25%)
4. Develop personal presentation and organisational skills (25%)

The Case studies
The following table offers five quite different case study organisations experiencing very different strategic challenges. You are at liberty to choose any one of them – choose only one.
You can discuss your choice with your tutor. Choose the company that most interests you.

Choice 2



The post Organization Analysis ( HONDA ) first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.


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