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Write a project proposal for a MA Design (Graphic) course.

Project Proposal – MA Graphic Design


Write a project proposal for a MA Design (Graphic) course.

This is what they asked for “We want to find out what kind of project work you wish to develop whilst on the MA Design programme. You should discuss the ideas or problems that you would like to work on and the broad context of your projects.

For example – are you interested in developing work carried out whilst on your undergraduate degree or within your professional practice? Are you looking to investigate materials or processes? Is there an important problem you would like to address?

We don’t expect you to have a highly developed project plan when you apply but it is essential that you are clear about what you would like to be working on in your research and design work. A short project proposal (approximately 500 words + any relevant images, references etc) that outlines what you would like to investigate during your MA project. You should clearly state what has inspired your chosen topic.”


main inspiration concepts/ideas: –


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