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Banking Concept

    1.) Explain in detail, in your own words, what is the “Problem Posing Style of Education” as described by author Paulo Freire in his
The post Banking Concept first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.



1.) Explain in detail, in your own words, what is the “Problem Posing Style of Education” as described by author Paulo Freire in his essay?

2.) Explain in detail, how do teachers typically treat their students in a “Problem Posing” style classroom?

3.) Explain in detail, how are students typically expected to behave and conduct themselves in a “Problem Posing” style classroom?

4.) Describe, your previous experiences in a “Problem Posing” style classroom. a.) Does this specific style of teaching work for you as a student? Does it help you learn? Explain in detail.

5.) What specific subjects or courses do you think should be taught using the “Problem Posing Style of Education” (if any)? Explain in detail. a.) What age groups should be taught using the “Problem Posing Style of Education” (if any)? Explain in detail.


Pretend that each of you students has graduated from Merritt College and that you’ve done so well after graduating from a 4-year college that the Governor of California offers you a prestigious position on California’s board of education. Your new job is to help plan curriculum for all students from kindergarten to community college or (K-high school + community college) throughout California. What recommendations would you make for the following levels of education. Your choices for each level are: 100% banking concept style should be used, 100% problem posing style should be used, or a mixture of the two styles; be sure to specify if you choose a mixture of the two educational styles what the percentages would be (ex. 50%/50%, or 60%/40% or 30%/70%). Explain your reasoning for choosing the specific style of education that you chose for each education level.

1.) What educational style would you recommend for level K-5th grade? Explain in detail.

2.) What educational style would you recommend for level 6th-8th grade? Explain in detail.

3.) What educational style would you recommend for level 9th-12th grade? Explain in detail.

4.) What educational style would you recommend for level community college and beyond? Explain in detail.

5.) What educational style would you recommend for the following subjects? Explain in detail. a.) math, b.) cultural studies (feminist studies, African-American studies, Asian-American studies, etc.), c.) art, d.) English/writing?

6.) Share your personal experiences with each style of education. Explain in detail which style (the Banking Concept style, the Problem Posing style, or a mixture of the two) works best for you and why?


The post Banking Concept first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.


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