Subject Code and Title PUBH6002: Global and Environmental Health Issues
Assessment Assessment 1 – Report: Guided policy analysis
Individual/Group Individual
Length 1000 words (+/- 10%)
Learning Outcomes The Subject Learning Outcomes demonstrated by successful completion of the task below include:
a) Examine environmental factors from the local to the global levels that influence health and interpret the relevance to the health of populations.
b) Interpret and analyse the impacts of globalisation on the social, economic, and political determinants of global and local health.
c) Critically analyse ethical elements relevant to environmental health protections, policies, and industry practices, including identification of vulnerable groups
d) Investigate the relationships between environmental risk factors and social, economic, and political determinants of illness and injury.
Submission Due by 11:55pm AEST/AEDT Sunday end of Module 4 (Week 4).
Weighting 25%
Total Marks 100 marks
Equitable, effective and evidence-based health policy is essential to population based health management and disease prevention. The ability to review and analyse policy options and comment on their efficacy and feasibility is a key skill within public health. By conducting a policy analysis, student will gain an understanding of the importance of policy development and implementation to minimize health burdens. Policy analysis also introduces skills of critical thinking, literature research, and analysis.
After critically reviewing the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control and the National Tobacco strategy, write a 1000 (±10%) guided policy analysis report using the Report template provided on Blackboard.
Please refer to the Task Instructions for details on how to complete this task.
The WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco was developed in response to the global epidemic of tobacco (e.g. tobacco consumption rates) and the increased burden of disease as a result of its consumption (e.g. tobacco-related disease). It is an evidence-base treaty aiming to provide the Legal and practical strategies that nations states can apply to regulate key structural factors that contribute to tobacco consumption globally, these factors include:
– trade liberalization
– direct foreign investment
– global marketing
– transnational tobacco advertising
– promotion and sponsorship
– international movement of contraband and counterfeit cigarettes (World Health Organization [WHO], 2021).
Review the following documents:
– The WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (World Health Organization. (2003). WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control. World Health Organization.
– The National Tobacco Strategy 2012-2018 (Department of Health and Aging. (2012). National Tobacco Strategy 2012-2018. Commonwealth of Australia, Department of Health and aging.
Then conduct a policy review of The National Tobacco Strategy implemented in Australia, in relation to the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control Framework Write in 1000 words (±10%) a report guided by the following four questions:
Introduction/Background (Approx. 150 words)
– In the introduction present the burden of disease and smoking rates in Australia before the implementation of the National Tobacco Strategy and discuss tobacco control legislation prior to the policy.
– Finally, briefly discuss the impact the implementation of the National Tobacco Strategy has had on the tobacco related burden of disease.
Policy analysis (Approx. 600 words)
– Discuss how the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control informed the development and implementation of Australia’s National Tobacco Strategy? Who were the key stakeholders in this development and what were their role?
– Describe the expected intermediate and long-term outcomes and the strengths of Australia’s National Tobacco Strategy based on successful achievements?
– Discuss 2 strategies that have been less successful or unsuccessful at reducing tobacco consumption in Australia.
Recommendations and conclusions (Approx. 250 words)
– How could the National Tobacco Strategy be improved? Provide 3-4 recommendations to improve the implementation and efficacy of the NTS based on your policy analysis.
It is essential that you use appropriate APA style for citing and referencing research. Please see more information on referencing here
Submission Instructions
Submit this task via the Assessment 1 link. Please save your Assessment and submit it as the title of your submission using the following naming convention: subj code_Module#_surname_first name initial_assessment title
E.g., PUBH6002_M2_Jones_S_Report
Academic Integrity Declaration
I declare that except where I have referenced, the work I am submitting for this assessment task is my own work. I have read and am aware of Torrens University Australia Academic Integrity Policy and Procedure viewable online at
I am aware that I need to keep a copy of all submitted material and their drafts, and I will do so accordingly.
Assessment Rubric
Assessment Attributes
(Yet to achieve minimum standard)
50-64% Credit
(Proficient) 65-74% Distinction
75-84% High Distinction
Evidence of unsatisfactory achievement of one or more of the learning objectives of the subject, insufficient understanding of the subject content and/or unsatisfactory level of skill development. Evidence of satisfactory achievement of subject learning objectives, the development of relevant skills to a competent level, and adequate interpretation and critical analysis skills. Evidence of a good level of understanding, knowledge and skill development in relation to the content of the subject or work of a superior quality on the majority of the learning objectives of the subject. Demonstration of a high level of interpretation and critical analysis skills. Evidence of a high level of achievement of the learning objectives of the subject demonstrated in such areas as
interpretation and critical analysis, logical argument, use of methodology and communication skills. Evidence of an exceptional level of achievement of learning objectives across the entire content of the course demonstrated in
such areas as interpretation and critical analysis, logical argument, creativity, originality, use of
methodology and communication skills.
Knowledge and understanding of policy foundation and developing process to target the impact of smoking and tobacco products consumption in the given population.
Percentage for this
criterion = 30%
The report does not discuss the burden of disease associated with tobacco consumption and does not cover the situation legislative environment prior the implementation of the policies.
The report shows a basic synthesis of the burden of disease associated with tobacco consumption and legislative environment prior the implementation of the policies (Both FCTC and the National Tobacco strategy).
The report shows a proficient synthesis of information of the burden of disease associated with tobacco consumption and legislative environment prior the implementation of the policies (Both FCTC and the National Tobacco strategy).
The report shows an advance synthesis of the introduction of the key information of the burden of disease associated with tobacco consumption and legislative environment prior the implementation of the policies (Both FCTC and the National Tobacco strategy).
The report demonstrates
a sophisticated understanding and ability to summarise key information of the burden of disease associated with tobacco consumption and legislative environment prior the implementation of the policies (Both FCTC and the National Tobacco strategy).
The report does not address the bases of policy foundation and development.
Demonstrates a functional knowledge of the bases of policy foundation and development, however, indicates only a limited understanding of the topic and develops the minimum aspects of the task.
Demonstrates proficient knowledge the bases of policy foundation, development, and the role of key stakeholders.
Demonstrates advanced knowledge of the bases of policy foundation, development, and the role of key stakeholders.
Demonstrates exceptional knowledge of the bases of policy foundation, development, and the role of key stakeholders.
The report shows little/no evidence of research or enquiry of the policy and the key stakeholders.
The report shows some basic knowledge of the role of key stakeholders.
Demonstrates proficient understanding of the policy outcomes and the strengths and limitations and their implications. . Demonstrates advance understanding of the policy outcomes and the strengths and limitations and their implications. Demonstrates exceptional understanding of the policy outcomes and the strengths and limitations and their implications.
analysis of the policy and its implementation in the specific context.
Percentage for this
criterion = 35%
Limited synthesis and analysis of key concepts of the objectives, challenges, and outcomes required to support the analysis of the policy and its implementation in the specific context.
Demonstrated analysis and synthesis of new knowledge with
application of key concepts of the objectives, challenges, and outcomes required to support the analysis of the policy and its implementation in the specific context.
Well-developed analysis and synthesis with application of recommendations linked to synthesis of key concepts of the objectives, challenges, and outcomes required to support the analysis of the policy and its implementation in the specific context.
Thoroughly developed and creative analysis and synthesis of key concepts
of the objectives, challenges, and outcomes required to support the analysis of the policy and its implementation in the specific context.
Highly sophisticated and creative analysis, synthesis of key concepts
of the objectives, challenges, and outcomes required to support the analysis of the policy and its implementation in the specific context.
Critical analysis of the challenges and proposes recommendations for the improvement of the policy.
Percentage for this
criterion = 25%
application/recommend ations that does not align with the outcomes of the policy analysis.
The report shows acceptable recommendations that align somehow with the outcomes of the policy analysis.
The report shows precise recommendations that align logically with the outcomes of the policy analysis.
The report shows coherent recommendations that align logically with the outcomes of the policy analysis.
The report shows exceptional recommendations that align logically with the outcomes of the policy analysis.
The report has limited or no evidence-based rational provided for the recommendations.
The report shows some evidence-based rational provided for the recommendations.
The report shows evidence-based rational provided for some recommendations.
The report shows a clear evidence-based rational provided for most recommendations. The report shows a comprehensive evidence-based rational provided for each recommendations.
Academic standards and general criteria
Percentage for this
criterion = 5%
Poorly written with errors in spelling, grammar.
Is written according to academic genre (e.g., with introduction, conclusion or summary) and has
accurate spelling, grammar, sentence and paragraph construction.
Is well-written and adheres to the academic genre (e.g., with introduction, conclusion or summary).
Is very well-written and adheres to the academic genre.
Expertly written and adheres to the academic genre.
Percentage for this
criterion = 5%
There are mistakes in using the APA style.
There are minimal mistakes in using the APA style.
There are no mistakes in using the APA style.
There are no mistakes in using the APA style.
There are no mistakes in using the APA Style.
The following Subject Learning Outcomes are addressed in this assessment
SLO a) Examine environmental factors from the local to the global levels that influence health and interpret the relevance to the health of populations.
SLO b) Interpret and analyse the impacts of globalisation on the social, economic, and political determinants of global and local health.
SLO d) Investigate the relationships between environmental risk factors and social, economic, and political determinants of illness and injury
SLO e) Critical analysis and application of actions to mitigate an environmental health issue.