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Critique an example of a professional organization’s use of media to promote a health policy agenda. Discuss attributes of success or lack thereof.

Discussion Prompt Critique an example of a professional organization’s use of media to promote a health policy agenda. Discuss attributes of success or lack thereof. Expectations Initial Post: Length: A minimum of 250 words, not including references Citations: At least one high-level scholarly reference in APA from within the last 5 years The post Critique … Read more

Describe a policy initiative implemented by nurse leaders from a national professional nursing association, the processes used by the organization in formulating and implementing a policy agenda and the current outcomes of the initiative.

Discussion Prompt Describe a policy initiative implemented by nurse leaders from a national professional nursing association, the processes used by the organization in formulating and implementing a policy agenda and the current outcomes of the initiative. Suggested organizations include (but are not limited to): American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) American Nurses’ Association (A.N.A.) … Read more

Describe Organizational Training and development advantages for organizations and managers.

Organizational training and Development Description *Organizational Training and development advantages for organizations and managers *Discuss the five types of learner outcomes *Explain the implications of learning theory for instructional design *Incorporate adult learning theory into the design of a training program *Describe how learners receive, process, store, retrieve, and act upon information *why evaluation is … Read more

Electrical stimulation therapy to promote healing of chronic wounds: a review of reviews.What evidence does the author present to support their arguments?Do you agree with the research findings? Why or why not?Explain

Electrical stimulation therapy to promote healing of chronic wounds: a review of reviews. This article critique has to answer and be based on the following questions: 1)What is the author’s main point? 2)What is the purpose statement? 3)What are the primary arguments of the article? 4)What evidence does the author present to support their arguments? … Read more

Discuss the term “collective self-efficacy” and how this concept may facilitate assimilation among ethnically diverse communities.

Module Assignment #10 Description • Read the book file Rudkin Text 1. Discuss how neighborhoods can revitalize themselves to become vibrant and healthy for the residents living in those communities. Describe one very successful program – the Dudley Street Neighborhood Initiative – what were some of the things done to make this program so successful? … Read more

Critically evaluate the evidence on how the diagnostic modalities of torso trauma haemorrhage has evolved since 2000.

Blunt abdominal trauma This assignment is in three parts and should include the following: Critically evaluate the evidence on how the diagnostic modalities of torso trauma haemorrhage has evolved since 2000. Critically evaluate the evidence of how the clinical resuscitation and early management of torso trauma haemorrhage has evolved since 2000. A CT scan of … Read more

Describe Michael Rutter’s (1994) concept of “event chains” – how does this concept relate to stressful events and resiliency? How might a parent’s divorce create a sequence of events (event chains) influencing a child’s life?

Module Assignment #11 Description • Read the book file Answer the question in the module 11 template doc file. No need to write in essay form just short answer but thoroughly. Rudkin 1. Describe the term “resilience.” Why, in your opinion, do some children thrive in the face of adversity and others do not? Identify … Read more

Research and find an entrepreneur who is making a difference in your community. Prepare a two-page report on the person you choose. Give background information on the person, explain the business they launched, and describe how it is impacting their community in a positive way

Entrepreneur who is making a difference in your community Research and find an entrepreneur who is making a difference in your community. Prepare a two-page report on the person you choose. Give background information on the person, explain the business they launched, and describe how it is impacting their community in a positive way. Be … Read more

Critics of the American style of government

    Critics of the American style of government point to a number of problems in American elections. Foreign critics argue that the American party system The post Critics of the American style of government first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.     Critics of the American style of government point to a number of problems … Read more

Evidence-based practice project

  In order to evaluate an evidence-based practice project, it is important to be able to determine the effectiveness of your change. Discuss one way you The post Evidence-based practice project first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.   In order to evaluate an evidence-based practice project, it is important to be able to determine the effectiveness … Read more


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