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Your Clients: Client 1: A scholar at Regents University London has recently secured a research fund to study the effectiveness of mobile learning in the higher education context. Problem: The usage of smart devices and social media networks is emerging in all aspects of everyday life. Hence, educators ar

Your Clients: Client 1: A scholar at Regents University London has recently secured a research fund to study the effectiveness of mobile learning in the higher education context. Problem: The usage of smart devices and social media networks is emerging in all aspects of everyday life. Hence, educators are increasingly embedding mobile learning solutions in … Read more

New Balls, Please Abrams, F. 2002. New balls, please. The Guardian, June 24. (Links to an external site.) Read the article by Fran Abrams from The Guardian newspaper in the UK which tells about the story of the tennis ball produced for the Wimbledon tennis tournament in London, England every year. Notes: This artic

https://www.theguardian.com/sport/2002/jun/24/tennis.wimbledon20027 New Balls, Please Abrams, F. 2002. New balls, please. The Guardian, June 24. (Links to an external site.) Read the article by Fran Abrams from The Guardian newspaper in the UK which tells about the story of the tennis ball produced for the Wimbledon tennis tournament in London, England every year. Notes: This article … Read more

Task 1: Using UK contemporary issues regarding disability in the media, focus on the nature of one named disability and clearly explain how people with disability are socially excluded in society. You must refer to at least one of the disability models in your response. (AC 1.1) (Word limit – 350 words) Visual impairment………………… Social model…………………

Task 1: Using UK contemporary issues regarding disability in the media, focus on the nature of one named disability and clearly explain how people with disability are socially excluded in society. You must refer to at least one of the disability models in your response. (AC 1.1) (Word limit – 350 words)    Visual impairment………………… … Read more

Please follow these steps: First, think about something you have interest and/or passion about: gun control, the environment, the LGBTQ community, the military, education, health care, women’s rights, black lives matter… Next, watch the vide

Please follow these steps: First, think about something you have interest and/or passion about: gun control, the environment, the LGBTQ community, the military, education, health care, women’s rights, black lives matter… Next, watch the video from Tom O’Brien on how to use the online libray to find Opposing Viewpoints: LINK: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zpmQB4kdIg8 Third, once you are … Read more

How do the texts exemplify your chosen theory? “Use” your theory to ANALYZE, not just identify, at least two different key moments from each text, and explain their significance. 2. What is the i​‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‌‌‍‌‍‍‌‌‍‌‍‍​n

. How do the texts exemplify your chosen theory? “Use” your theory to ANALYZE, not just identify, at least two different key moments from each text, and explain their significance. 2. What is the i​‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‌‌‍‌‍‍‌‌‍‌‍‍​ndustrial context of your texts? Who made them? How have they been received by critics and by viewers? What other comedies … Read more

1) summary of results. 2) comparisons to other studies. 3)strengt​‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‌‌‍‌‍‍‌‌‍‌‍‍​hs and weakness of the study; and 4) recommendations for future work. You should address each of these sections with a short paragraph/dot point each. 5. must expl

1) summary of results.  2) comparisons to other studies.  3)strengt​‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‌‌‍‌‍‍‌‌‍‌‍‍​hs and weakness of the study; and 4) recommendations for future work. You should address each of these sections with a short paragraph/dot point each. 5. must explain the P-value on the results  6. Explain is the data did or did not find what you expected … Read more

Assess the recent strategic staffing practices adopted by the selected organization to be able to obtain competitive advantage. 2. Critically

Assess the recent strategic staffing practices adopted by the selected organization to be able to obtain competitive advantage. 2. Critically examine the concerns being encountered by the organization as it implements Emiratization. Include in your discussion the sources of challenges that impedes organizational growth and development. 3. Critically propose innovative staffing approaches for improved productivity … Read more

Create an educational flyer for patients at a 10-physician outpatient clinic. The information should explain the clinic’s patient portal. Be sure to cover what it is, how to register for it, and the features of the portal. List the benefits of using the por

Create an educational flyer for patients at a 10-physician outpatient clinic. The information should explain the clinic’s patient portal. Be sure to cover what it is, how to register for it, and the features of the portal. List the benefits of using the portal. The goal is to convin​‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‌‌‍‌‍‍‌‌‍‌‍‍​ce consumers of the value of using … Read more

Watch the film Egypt – LifeAncient and Death in the Valley of the Kings (part 1) (2013) https://youtu.be/C39cgxTRh_c linked in YouTube. In this film, Egyptologist Joann Fletcher introduces us to the royal architect K

Watch the film Egypt – LifeAncient  and Death in the Valley of the Kings (part 1) (2013) https://youtu.be/C39cgxTRh_c  linked in YouTube. In this film, Egyptologist Joann Fletcher introduces us to the royal architect Kha and his wife Merit, who lived in Thebes, Egypt in the 14th century BCE (the Eighteenth Dynasty).   In examining the items … Read more

Data Management Systems

3/11/2021 DATA6002-2021-1 Data Management Systemshttps://learn.scu.edu.au/webapps/rubric/do/course/manageRubrics?dispatch=view&context=course&rubricId=_9963_1&course_id=_144976_1 1/6Rubric_Assignment_3 Levels of Achievement Criteria Excellent Good OK Poor Fail Database –Creation 2 PointsDatabasecreated,namedcorrectly, alltablescreated withattributes asperrequirements 1.5 Points1-2 minorerrors oromissions butotherwise,databasecreated,namedcorrectly, alltables createdwith attributesas perrequirements 1 Points1-2 major or5-6 minorerrors indatabasenaming,tables orattributes. 0.5 PointsDatabasecreated butmany tablesand/orattributesmissing. 0 PointsNodatabasecreated. Relationships 2 PointsAllrelationshipscreated withreferentialintegrity setas per thedesign. 1.5 Points1-2 minorerrors oromissions … Read more


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