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You are working at the capital management desk of a bank. You are one of the analysts at the desk. As a team member, you will have to contribute to the team to develop a capital plan of a bank, following the capital standards of the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA). A template of a capital plan is provided . You need to explain the assumptions you have to simulate the capital plan. Evaluation of your capital plan: You need to describe the assumptions you have taken to simulate the capital plan in the context of the APRA regulatory environment. You need to evaluate the robustness of the simulated capital plan. Contribution in group works: Your group members will evaluate your performance in the group. Your marks will be determined the peer review of group members

You are working at the capital management desk of a bank. You are one of the analysts at the desk. As a team member, you will have to contribute to the team to develop a capital plan of a bank, following the capital standards of the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA). A template of a … Read more

Your paper should be a self-assessment of your competencies against the concepts we have covered in this course. Make sure to effectively use the concepts discussed in class that are also available to you on Canvas. While this paper is self-reflective, I expect you to support your personal reflection using terms and concepts that show you understand the course content. In other words. Demonstrate you learned concepts taught in the course by reflecting on them in your self-analysis. Please begin by reviewing and making notes on the modules and content covered in this class. We have discussed: 1) Hofstede’s Cultural Dimens

Your paper should be a self-assessment of your competencies against the concepts we have covered in this course. Make sure to effectively use the concepts discussed in class that are also available to you on Canvas. While this paper is self-reflective, I expect you to support your personal reflection using terms and concepts that show … Read more

Case Study This case study should now be familiar to you. It will be the basis for most of the questions in your final assignment task. Carefully read the following information and when requested, refer back to this case study to answer questions. You have recently taken the opportunity to join an exciting New Zealand ‘start-up operation’ for a franchise called The Melting Pot Restaurant. A colleague you have worked with in the past (Pippa Jones) has bought the New Zealand rights to the franchise. It has been extremely successful in the United States of America and is currently developing franchise operations within 8 other countries as well as New Zealand.

Case Study This case study should now be familiar to you. It will be the basis for most of the questions in your final assignment task. Carefully read the following information and when requested, refer back to this case study to answer questions. You have recently taken the opportunity to join an exciting New Zealand … Read more

Pick a news article that is related to International Marketing and was published within the past seven days (12 – 18 May 2021), and discuss why or how this news article related to what you have learnt from MARK957 (International Marketing Strategy). 2. Based on a case study learnt in this subject (International Marketing Research at the Mayo Clinic), suggest international marketing research approaches for the company.

Task: 1. Pick a news article that is related to International Marketing and was published within the past seven days (12 – 18 May 2021), and discuss why or how this news article related to what you have learnt from MARK957 (International Marketing Strategy). 2. Based on a case study learnt in this subject (International … Read more

Personal Leadership Training Plan: Experience In Units II, IV, and V, you contributed to the Personal Leadership Training Plan and focused on attributes, knowledge, and skills. In this unit, you will add experience to your plan. Within your presentation, respond to the following points: Explain the type of experiences you have had that will make you a strong leader. Explain and evaluate your experience with organizational change. (This can be from your employer, club, church group, or family unit.) How did you facilitate the change, and was it successful? How can you use Kotter’s 8-Step Process for organizational change during your future career? Your completed PowerPoint presentation must be a minimum of 10 slides in length, not counting the title and reference slides. Additionally, a minimum of three peer-reviewed or academic resources must be used. Keep the text on the slides concise, and use the notes section to fully explain your ideas. All sources used must be cited and referenced according to APA style.

Personal Leadership Training Plan: Experience In Units II, IV, and V, you contributed to the Personal Leadership Training Plan and focused on attributes, knowledge, and skills. In this unit, you will add experience to your plan. Within your presentation, respond to the following points: Explain the type of experiences you have had that will make … Read more

Assignment Description Effective Communication The Joint Commission reported that [poor] communication was the root cause of 66% of Sentinel Events between 1995-2005. Examine the communication and collaboration in your workplace. Include these aspects: The components necessary for effective interpersonal communication. Discuss the importance of interprofessional collaboration

module 4 Remember to submit your work following the file naming convention FirstInitial.LastName_M01.docx. For example, J.Smith_M01.docx. Remember that it is not necessary to manually type in the file extension; it will automatically append. Start by reading and following these instructions: 1. Quickly skim the questions or assignment below and the assignment rubric to help you … Read more

Delegation in Practice What does your State Board of Nursing say about Unlicensed Assistive Personnel and their role, and the role of the Registered Nurse? Describe the responsibilities of the Registered Nurse when delegating patient care tasks. How does the ICU environment differ from a general medical-surgical unit as far as assigned responsibilities for Unlicensed Assistive Personnel?

module 5 Remember to submit your work following the file naming convention FirstInitial.LastName_M01.docx. For example, J.Smith_M01.docx. Remember that it is not necessary to manually type in the file extension; it will automatically append. Start by reading and following these instructions: 1. Quickly skim the questions or assignment below and the assignment rubric to help you … Read more

Global Health, Policy, and the Future This assignment will be a 5 to 7-minute video or audio embedded in a PowerPoint presentation. In the Learning Materials under Additional Resources Review:  1. National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (2017). Global health and the future role of the United States. -> Review TABLE S-1 Committee Recomm

Global Health, Policy, and the Future This assignment will be a 5 to 7-minute video or audio embedded in a PowerPoint presentation. In the Learning Materials under Additional Resources Review: 1. National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (2017). Global health and the future role of the United States. -> Review TABLE S-1 Committee Recommendations … Read more

For this assignment, you are to watch the following TED talk:  Grit by Angela Duckworth ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H14bBuluwB8&t=73s ) And answer the following questions following the format described below:  1. What is grit as defined by Angela Duckworth (in your own words)? Your answer needs to be at least three sentences or more.  2. What is your grit score?  Take this q

For this assignment, you are to watch the following TED talk:  Grit by Angela Duckworth ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H14bBuluwB8&t=73s ) And answer the following questions following the format described below:  1. What is grit as defined by Angela Duckworth (in your own words)? Your answer needs to be at least three sentences or more.  2. What is your grit score?  … Read more

you will address different radicalization processes/models in the final paper such as Moghaddam’s Staircase, so you only need to research and discuss individual psychological and behavioral factors in this paper. Also remember that “psychological” does not mean “psychotic” and we are only addressing those of sound mind who deliberately choose violence for a political purpose, or retribution or to instill fear (not mass shooters with psychological issues).

On this midterm assignment, you will write a college level research paper describing the psychological and behavioral factors of individual terrorists (i.e. recruits and suicide bombers; not terrorist leaders such as Bin Laden). Note: you will address different radicalization processes/models in the final paper such as Moghaddam’s Staircase, so you only need to research and … Read more


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