Case Analysis Questions: For each of the following questions provide a brief fact sheet, legal issues and analysis. (-8 points * 5 questions= 70 points) Basile v. Attorney General of Nova Scotia, [1984] N.S.J. No. 337 N.S.S.C. (App. Div.) Under the Direct Sellers’ Licensing and Regulation Act,96 anyone involved in the activity of direct selling (door-to-door sales) in Nova Scotia had to be a resident of that province. Mr. Basile, a bookseller and a resident of Québec, applied for a licence to sell in Nova Scotia and was refused because he was not a permanent re
CLICK TO DOWNLOAD THIS PAPER Case Analysis Questions: For each of the following questions provide a brief fact sheet, legal issues and analysis. (-8 points * 5 questions= 70 points) Basile v. Attorney General of Nova Scotia, [1984] N.S.J. No. 337 N.S.S.C. (App. Div.) Under the Direct Sellers’ Licensing and Regulation Act,96 anyone involved in the activity … Read more