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Provide a brief summary of the factual history and ultimate result of the Liebeck v. McDonalds case.

Hot Coffee PaperThe Hot Coffee documentary focuses on the products liability case against McDonald’s brought by Stella Liebeck and the ensuing debate over tort reform. Watch the documentary which is available here: http://ezproxy.library.berkeley.org:80/Login?url=http://docuseek2.com/v/a/oeT3When you are finished watching the documentary please review the following two articles:(1) Cup Half Full: “Hot Coffee” Serves Up Slanted View of … Read more

How would you describe the factors that determine the tone at the top?

How would you describe the factors that determine the tone at the top? Primary/Initial post to Discussion Question: Your initial post/response to each module’s discussion forum question(s) should be at least 200 words. Secondary Responses/Posts to Peer Posts: Respond to at least 2 other postings with 100 words each, attached student question, Your primary posting … Read more

Write the memorandum to explain the purpose and influence on rulemaking in the operation of the legislation.

Review the following report at:https://kapextmediassl-a.akamaihd.net/healthSci/HA545/HA545_1703C/u5_as.pdfUsing this Congressional Report for members of Congress and your textbook, write a 5-pagememorandum/paper on the topic of rulemaking.You are a summer intern with Harry Smith, a Congressman from your home district. He has to advise hiscongressional committee on the impact of interest groups on legislation. Write the memorandum to explain … Read more

To what extent does the argument presented here reflect the true motivations of the colonists in breaking away from Great Britain?

​Provide a 250- to 300-word response to ONE of the following. Make specific references to the readings, but avoid quotations. Quotations will not be included in the word count. Topic One Primary Source Analysis Declaration of Independence In your own words, summarize the argument found in the 2nd paragraph of the Declaration of Independence. Do not … Read more

Assignment description

Assessment 5: Case study reportAssessment type: Individual assignment (2000 words)Purpose: This assessment will allow students to demonstrate that they can identify,assess, and analyse the situation provided in case study. This assessmentcontributes to learning outcomes b, c and d.Value: 15%Due Date: Week 10 Sunday 23:55Topic: Case study reportAssignment Details:Assignment descriptionWrite a report on one of the … Read more


ETHICS AND PROFESSIONALISM IN PUBLIC RELATIONSBY BRANDCRUNCHNGAPRIL 8, 2013 IntroductionLegal and ethical issues are closely related in public relations practice, however they are not identical. Even when no violation of the law can be proven a practitioner can be sanctioned for unethical conduct under the Public Relations Society of America. Ethics are seen as moral … Read more

What game did you play and/or observe?

What game did you play and/or observe? Briefly describe who, when and where you observed. What is the main objective or goal of the game? In other words, how can someone “win”? Describe the rules of the game that are important to understand. Why are they important? Describe the strategies for playing that you recommend people … Read more

Among the project activities, which activities have free slack? (3 marks) B5.How sensitive is the network schedule?

The planning department of an electronics firm has set up the activities for developing and production of a new MP3 Player. Given the information below, develop a project network using Microsoft Project. Assume a five-day workweek and the project starts on January 4, 2017.B1.Draw a network diagramme for the above project, and calculate the ES, … Read more

The State of the World Address

Free Write – The State of the World AddressFree writes are not supposed to be grammatically perfect or proofread. The idea of a freewrite is to start and not stop until you have reached the 250 word mark (usually around 1 page). If you get off topic, or run out of things to say, just … Read more


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