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Computer Assignment    5 percent of the grade Case: Modern Bottling Company Prepare forecast for the soft drink industry using seasonal method. Prepare market share forecast using linear regression method. Calculate Modern Bottling Company forecast by multiplying ma

Computer Assignment    5 percent of the grade
Case: Modern Bottling Company
Prepare forecast for the soft drink industry using seasonal method.
Prepare market share forecast using linear regression method.
Calculate Modern Bottling Company forecast by multiplying market share with industry forecast.
Prepare a 2 to 3 page report single space to present your analysis and attach computer printouts to the report.
Answer to Computer Assignment FAQ:
Question #1) How to calculate Modern Bottling company forecast?
Calculate forecast for soft drink industry by using seasonal model.
Calculate Modern Bottling Company’s market share of the industry sales using linear regression model.
Calculate Modern Bottling company’s forecast by taking market share percent of the industry sales.  For example, if the industry sales for a quarter are 100,000 units and Modern Bottling market share for the same quarter is 7%, then Modern Bottling sales forecast for that quarter will be 7,000 units.
Question #2) How to write the report?
Submit the report (2 to 3 pages long) in the following format.
Executive Summary– This is the summary of the report about one paragraph long.
Problem Definition– Describe in your own words what problem you are analyzing, e.g. forecasting industry sales and Modern Bottling market share and then calculating Modern Bottling sales forecast etc.
Solution Procedure– Write about the models you are using and justify why that model is being used.  For example, linear trend model should be used when the time series has linear trend.
Results– Write the results of your analysis, i.e. Modern Bottling Company forecast.
Conclusion and recommendation– write any conclusions.
Attach computer outputs, graphs, charts to the report.


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