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What do the United States Handicapper General agents do, and why do they do it? What threats to society do they target? What present circumstances in our society could lead to such absurdities?

Critical Thinking Questions: “Harrison Bergeron”

Why is the first line of the story significant? What does it suggest? What does it establish?

What do the United States Handicapper General agents do, and why do they do it? What threats to society do they target? What present circumstances in our society could lead to such absurdities?

What actual developments, policies, or trends does Vonnegut parody in the story?

Why is Harrison Bergeron such a threat to society? How has he been “handicapped”?

What is the significance of the dance that Harrison performs with the ballerina?


The post What do the United States Handicapper General agents do, and why do they do it? What threats to society do they target? What present circumstances in our society could lead to such absurdities? appeared first on Assignment gods.


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