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A distressing clinical experience


1. Describe a distressing clinical experience you have had as a nurse when you either
were involved in or witnessed care or behaviors that you would describe as unethical.
Ensuring confidentiality in your description of the event, place, and persons, include in
your description:
a. the setting in which the conflict occurred (e.g., ICU, hospital inpatient unit, LTC, OR)
b. disease or patient group (e.g., geriatric, cancer, NICU, dementia) or healthcare team
(e.g., physician-nurse, nurse-nurse)
c. the type of conflict (e.g., withdrawal of life support, nutrition, hydration; HIPAA
violation, pain management)
d. all those involved in the conflict (e.g., nurse, physician, patient, family member)
e. cultural factors identified as influencing the clinical experience (e.g., ethnicity, poverty)
2. How do you think this experience affected you as a nurse?

The post A distressing clinical experience first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.


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