Unit 3 Assignment: AAP Presentation Part 1 Advocacy Issue
With this assignment, you will begin developing your Advocacy Action Plan (AAP) which is due in Unit 7. In Units 3 and 5, you will prepare a two-part slide presentation on an advocacy issue to help you build ideas for your final AAP project. The AAP Guiding Framework provides a worksheet to help you organize your thoughts and resources throughout this project.
NAEYC Early Childhood Professional Preparation Standards
As you prepare your AAP, reflect on how your ideas and strategies connect to the NAEYC standards and key elements listed below the assignment steps in bold. In the final AAP (due in Unit 7) you will be required to demonstrate your knowledge and application of the NAEYC standards.
Unit 3 Instructions
Step 1: Identify an advocacy issue from the Children’s Defense Fund (CDF) State of America’s Children Fact Sheet for your state or a selected state.
• Read the CDF State of America’s Children Fact Sheet for your home state or another chosen state.
• Identify one issue for which you would like to advocate for young children from the 10 policy areas: Child Poverty, Income and Wealth Inequality, Housing and Homelessness, Child Hunger and Nutrition, Child Health, Early Childhood, Education, Child Welfare, Youth Justice, and Gun Violence.
NAEYC Standard 2: Building Family and Community Relationships Key Element 2a. Knowing about and understanding diverse family and community characteristics.
Step 2: Review the Strengthening Families Protective Factors Framework (Center for the Study of Social Policy) and consider which factor you will connect to your issue.
The Strengthening Families Protective Factors are: 1) parental resilience, 2) social connections, 3) knowledge of parenting and child development, 4) concrete support in times of need, and 5) social and emotional competence of children.
NAEYC Standard 4: Using Developmentally Effective Approaches Key Element 4a. Understanding positive relationships and supportive interactions as the foundation of their work with young children.
Step 3: Create a slide presentation using bullet points (except for the title and reference slides) with the following items:
• Title Slide: Using APA format, create a title slide with a presentation title of your choice that illustrates or connects to your advocacy issue.
• Advocacy Issue Slide: Identify the issues that you identified from the CDF State of America’s Children Fact Sheet. Indicate your state and the statistic(s) related to your advocacy issue. In a few words, explain why you have selected this issue and the need to advocate for change.
• Protective Factor Slide: Connect your advocacy issue to one (1) of the five Strengthening Families Protective Factors. Identify and write the complete name of the protective factor. In a few words, explain how it connects to your advocacy issue.
• References Slide: Include a References page in APA format listing all resources used.
Required References: Children’s Defense Fund State of America’s Children Fact Sheet and Center for the Study of Social Policy Strengthening Families Protective Factors Framework.
• Submit the completed slide presentation in PowerPoint format or as a Prezi link to the Unit 3 Assignment submission link.
• Minimum four (4) slides in length, including Title and References Slide
• You will receive written feedback from your instructor.
Be sure to read the criteria below by which your work will be evaluated before you write and again after you write.
Addressed |
0 – 3 Points |
Advocacy Issue NAEYC Standard Key Element 2a. Knowing about and understanding diverse family and community characteristics. |
Identifies an advocacy issue from the Children’s Defense Fund (CDF) State of America’s Children Fact Sheet policy areas for a selected state. Includes statistics related to advocacy issue. |
Explains why issue was selected and the need to advocate for change. |
0 – 2 Points |
Strengthening Families Protective Factor |
Identifies a Strengthening Families Protective Factor. |
NAEYC Standard Key Element 4a: Understanding positive relationships and supportive interactions as the foundation of their work with young children. |
Connects Protective Factor to the advocacy issue. |
0 – 1 Points |
Title Slide |
Includes APA formatted Title slide. |
0 – 1 Points |
APA References slide |
Includes APA formatted References slide. |