DNP 825 Topic 8 Discussion Question One
DNP 825 Topic 8 Discussion Question One
Complete the “Cultural Competence Self-Assessment Checklist” on the Central Vancouver Island Multicultural Society website:
Discuss the knowledge gained and its implications for further personal growth and application in your practice.
This self-assessment tool is designed to help you explore your individual cultural competence.
Its purpose is to help you consider your own skills, knowledge, and awareness in your
interactions with others, and recognize what you can do to become more effective working
and living in diverse environments.

DNP 825 Topic 8 Discussion Question One
The term “culture” includes not only race, ethnicity, and ancestry, but also the culture
(e.g. beliefs, common experiences and ways of being in the world) shared by people with
characteristics in common, including, but not limited to: people who are Lesbian, Bisexual,
Gay and Transgender (LGBT), people with disabilities, members of faith and spiritual
communities, and people within various socio-economic classes. For this tool, the focus is
primarily on race and ethnicity.
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Read each entry in the Awareness, Knowledge, and Skills sections. Place a check mark in the
appropriate column which follows. At the end of each section add up the number of times
you have checked that column. Multiply the number of times you have checked “Never” by 1,
“Sometimes/Occasionally” by 2, “Fairly Often/Pretty Well” by 3 and “Always/Very Well” by
4. The more points you have, the more culturally competent you are becoming.
This is simply a tool. This is not a test. The rating scale is intended to help you identify areas
of strength and opportunities for ongoing personal and professional development.
There are numerous assessment tools available for evaluating cultural competence in clinical, training, and organizational settings. These tools are not specific to behavioral health treatment. Though more work is needed in developing empirically supported instruments to measure cultural competence, there is a wealth of multicultural counseling and healthcare assessment tools that can provide guidance in identifying areas for improvement of cultural competence. This appendix examines three resource areas: counselor self-assessment tools, guidelines and assessment tools to implement and evaluate culturally responsive services within treatment programs and organizations, and forms addressing client satisfaction with and feedback about culturally responsive services. Though not an exhaustive review of available tools, this appendix does provide samples of tools that are within the public domain. For additional resources and cultural competence assessment tools, visit the National Center for Cultural Competence.
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