Hello Class,
There are many benefits for HACCP to be mandated in all categories of food:
1. Allows for identification of control points to prevent a potential hazard or contaminant from entering the food supply or manufacturing processes from farm to table.
2. Strengthens public health protection by decreasing foodborne hazards.
3. HACCP supports recordkeeping procedures which helps with verification and validation of the system (Fellows, 2016).
4. A HACCP plan encourages proactiveness and can reduce the likelihood of a recall.
a. Any food recall per item will cost companies an average of S10 million dollars which includes:
i. The price of the product
ii. Transportation
iii. Notifications
iv. Quantity recalled (Koeris, 2018)
b. During the recall:
i. 55% of consumers will use a different brand
ii. 15% of customers will never buy it again
iii. 21% may put a purchasing hold on any products from the affected company (Heneghan, 2016)
iv. An increase in insurance premiums for product liability
v. Litigation if anyone is harmed from consumption (Schuller, 1998)
c. For example:
i. Westland-Hallmark Meats beef recall costed around S500 million.
ii. Salmonella outbreak regarding peanut butter costed close to SI billion (Heneghan, 2016).
iii. Chipotle stock dropped significantly from S757 to S380 (Mushrush, 2017).
5. With incorporating HACCP, companies can:
a. Decrease their premiums in liability insurance.
b. Create a rise in customer confidence which leads to an increase in sales
c. Have a reduction in recalls that can reduce operating costs
d. Uphold product reputation (Schuller, 1998)
Julia Tomczak
Johns Hopkins University
Fellows, P. J. (2016). Food Processing Technology. Elsevier Science.
Heneghan, C. (2016). More than money: What a recall truly costs. Food Dive, https://www.fooddive.com/news/more-than-money-what-a-recall-truly-costs/426855/
Koeris, M. (2018). The True Costs You Endure During a Food Recall. FoodSafetyTech. https://foodsafetytech.com/column/the-true-costs-you-endure-during-a-food-recall/
Mushrush, L. (2017). Contaminated food contaminates consumers’ trust. Food Safety News, https://www.foodsafetynews.com/2017/01/contaminated-food-contaminates-consumers-trust/
Schuller, D. D. (1998). Pathogen Reduction through HACCP Systems: Is Overhaul of the Meat Inspection System All It’s Cut out to Be Comment. San Joaquin Agricultural Law Review, 8, 77-102. https://heinonline.orQ/HOL/P? h=hein.journals/sjlar8&i=81 https://heinonline.org/HOL/PrintRequest?handle=hein.journals/sjlar8&collection=journals&div=6&id=81&print=section&sction=6