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Analyze the case and opinion in Keith v. County of Oakland, 2013 U.S. App. LEXIS 595 (6th Cir.) located in your textbook on pp. 337-342. Write a case study review of Judge Griffin’s opinion that answers the questions below. Support your review with analysis and evidence from the unit reading and outside sources. What are the legal issues presented in this case? Did the plaintiff establish a valid claim of failure to reasonably accommodate? What did the appeals court decide? What accommodations was Keith requesting? Was it reasonable? Support your opinion with an argument based on the course concepts and existing legal evidence or precedents. Did the county follow the interactive process required by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)? What did they do well? What could they have done differently? Your paper should be a minimum of two pages, not including the title and reference pages. You are required to use a minimum of three sources, one of which may be your textbook as reference material for your case study. Adhere to APA Style when constructing this assignment, including in-text citations and references for all sources that are used. Please note that no abstract is needed.

Analyze the case and opinion in Keith v. County of Oakland, 2013 U.S. App. LEXIS 595 (6th Cir.) located in your textbook on pp. 337-342. Write a case study review of Judge Griffin’s opinion that answers the questions below. Support your review with analysis and evidence from the unit reading and outside sources. What are … Read more

Analyze the case and opinion in the case of Riser v. QEP Energy, 777 F.3d 1191 (10th Cir. 2015) located in your textbook on pp. 451–454. Write a case study review of Judge Kelly’s opinion that answers the questions below. Support your review with analysis and evidence from the unit reading and outside sources. What are the legal issues presented in this case? Did the plaintiff establish a valid prima facie case of pay discrimination? Was there a basis for equal work? On what factors did the appeals court base its decision? Why is the other-than-sex factor that is presented by the employer insufficient to avoid a trial? What should the employer have done differently? Your paper should be a minimum of two pages, not including the title and reference pages. You are required to use a minimum of three sources, one of which may be your textbook as reference material for your case study. Adhere to APA Style when constructing this assignment, including in-text citations and references for all sources that are used. Please note that no abstract is needed.

Analyze the case and opinion in the case of Riser v. QEP Energy, 777 F.3d 1191 (10th Cir. 2015) located in your textbook on pp. 451–454. Write a case study review of Judge Kelly’s opinion that answers the questions below. Support your review with analysis and evidence from the unit reading and outside sources. What … Read more

1. Introduction In this assignment, we will practice some of the basics of OpenGL. 2. Setup a. Create a C++ project on repl.it b. Delete main.cpp that was created in default, and upload the starter files (main.cpp, script.sh) to the project. c. Upload freeglut library, which is freeglut-3.2.1.tar.gz (please don’t extract it before upload), and right now, the directory should be looking like d. Extract it on replit console using the following command: tar -xzvf freeglut-3.2.1.tar.gz Then the directory should be like e. Get permission to read and execute script.sh by using the following command: chmod u=rx script.sh f. Then run script.sh by using ./script.sh (Instead of run button, you must run this command every time to compile.) Then it will generate a window showing your result. (It may take some time for the first time)

1. Introduction In this assignment, we will practice some of the basics of OpenGL. 2. Setup a. Create a C++ project on repl.it b. Delete main.cpp that was created in default, and upload the starter files (main.cpp, script.sh) to the project. c. Upload freeglut library, which is freeglut-3.2.1.tar.gz (please don’t extract it before upload), and … Read more

Problem 2 (20 points): An Xor (Exclusive-Or) gate has two Boolean inputs ????????1 and ????????2, and a Boolean output ????????????. The output is 1 when exactly one of its two inputs are 1 and is 0 otherwise. Design the combinational component SyncXor to capture this desired functionality by composing And, Or, and Not gates. Problem 5 (Bonus 20 points): Consider the asynchronous process Merge[???????????? ↦ ????????????????] | Merge[????????1 ↦ ????????????????][ ????????2 ↦ ????????3] obtained by connecting two instances of the process Merge. Show the “compiled” version of this composite process. Explain the input/output behavior of this composite process.

Problem 2 (20 points): An Xor (Exclusive-Or) gate has two Boolean inputs ????????1 and ????????2, and a Boolean output ????????????. The output is 1 when exactly one of its two inputs are 1 and is 0 otherwise. Design the combinational component SyncXor to capture this desired functionality by composing And, Or, and Not gates. Problem … Read more

Create a table comparing 10 of the vulnerabilities, threats, and risks for a real-world security incident, along with related vulnerabilities that may have contributed to the security incident. Include the following as at least 3 of the comparisons used in the table. How was the vulnerability detected? What protocol was attacked? How were steps taken to resolve the vulnerability? Note: The last page of your table should include a narrative with your account of the trends revealed in the table. Include additional detail, color commentary, or insights that you might share in a discussion about the table. Write a 1- to 2-page narrative explaining trends shown from the table.

Create a table comparing 10 of the vulnerabilities, threats, and risks for a real-world security incident, along with related vulnerabilities that may have contributed to the security incident. Include the following as at least 3 of the comparisons used in the table. How was the vulnerability detected? What protocol was attacked? How were steps taken … Read more

Utilization and Case Management

  What is utilization and case management? How is this related to managed care and quality care and control issues? How does APNP clinical expertise and patient management skills provide a foundation for utilization and case management? Provide an example of how case management improves patient care outcomes. Use an EBP research article to support … Read more

Special accommodations

      Write an essay on why special accommodations should not be allowed for alternative gender identities.   The post Special accommodations first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS. The post Special accommodations first appeared on essaypanel.com.

Disaster Plan and COVID-19

  Based on your findings, write a 2–3-page, APA format, response paper outlining the disaster plan and how social work plays a role in the plan. At least three references must be used and must be in current APA format. You can use the Healy & Link (2012) textbook for references as well. Please include … Read more

Homeland Security Topic: Terrorism

    What is Homeland Security and why do we need it? How would you define terrorism? On what source are you basing your definition, and why have you chosen this one? Provide the source citation (MLA or APA style) with your answer and list the source in references. Is it similar to or different … Read more


    1. Why has the study of neglect been so neglected? 2. List and briefly describe what theories explain the causes of neglect? 3. What are the symptoms of neglect in infants? In older children? 4. Why might neglected children have difficulty in school? 5. What effects might their parents’ substance abuse have on … Read more


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