This assessment is designed to assist students to combine the technical skills learned with the theoretical aspects of a number of management accounting concepts. The assessment will allow students to demonstrate their ability to analyse the information provided for a given scenario and present their findings as they relate to the requirements of this assessment. As this is a team-base

Assessment 3 Assessment Type: Group Case Study – 2000 +/- 10% word report and analysis. Purpose: This assessment is designed to assist students to combine the technical skills learned with the theoretical aspects of a number of management accounting concepts. The assessment will allow students to demonstrate their ability to analyse the information provided for … Read more

This assignment is based on the semester Case Study. The case Study is located in the document HIS2061-CaseStudy. You need to first read this case study carefully. Both Assignment 1 (this assignment) and Assignment 2 (which is a group assignment) will be based on this case study. Once you read the case study Your task is to create the following documents Project Charter

This assessment item relates to the unit learning outcomes as in the Unit of Study Guide. This assessment is designed to give students skills in the initial stage of Project Management, particularly in the “Initiating” process group, and the first part of the “Planning” process group as defined by the Project Management Institute’s Project Management … Read more

1. Design and draw network topology using packet tracers (or other drawing tools). Clearly label the buildings, departments, switches and router. (10 marks) 2. Identify how many subnets are required for your proposed topology. Design the subnets based on the given network address (185.XY.0.0/16) to optimize the address spaces (using the second approach – number of hosts needed). Note: the link between the gateway router of the university and ISP router has been assigned with network 192.1.X.0/24 (X is the first digits of your student ID). Create a tab

ASSIGNMENT-1 (20%) LOCAL AREA NETWORK TECHNOLOGIES Objective: By completing this assignment, students will be demonstrating their knowledge and skills learnt from session 1-5 that include: o IP address planning o Local Area Network technologies o Implement and configure Local Area Network of medium complexity in Cisco Packet Tracer Scenario The National Library of Australia recently … Read more

You should write 300-500 words (or more if you like) in total on the important/impactful things you have experienced during the period of studying this module. Journals should have two sections (150-250 words total for each). The first, to be completed by the end of the second week of the module (focusing on your plans) and the secon

You should write 300-500 words (or more if you like) in total on the important/impactful things you have experienced during the period of studying this module. Journals should have two sections (150-250 words total for each). The first, to be completed by the end of the second week of the module (focusing on your plans) … Read more

i) Scope, Objectives and Risk Review developments in your particular field and select one on which to base your future career plans Outline and justify the scope of the proposal Define in detail the objectives of the overall project (use SMART objectives) Complete the three elements of this assignment Complete a risk appraisal Produce a log for using tool such as Pebble Pad log to record your achievements in relation to the project. ii) Sources an

Module Title: Research Methods for Professional Practice Module Number: LD7162 Module Tutor Name(s): Dr Basel Khashab Academic Year: 2020/21 % Weighting (to overall module): 20% Career Plan 20% Research Learning Log 60% Project Proposal Coursework Title: Professional Practice and Research Project Proposal Average Study Time Required by Student: 200 hours which includes all contact … Read more

In this assignment, you are required to create a hardware that measures an analogue signal (e.g., from a potentiometer or from an LDR or phototransistor) and sends these results to a Processing sketch which continuously displays the signal. In the Processing sketch, you can use the mouse to set a threshold that causes a) a red/green LED on t

Task In this assignment, you are required to create a hardware that measures an analogue signal (e.g., from a potentiometer or from an LDR or phototransistor) and sends these results to a Processing sketch which continuously displays the signal. In the Processing sketch, you can use the mouse to set a threshold that causes a) … Read more

HR assignment on Netflix case study. Structure to be followed. I will upload the assignment brief, Netflix case study and the structure given. Thank you Kind regards Submission Deadline Marks and Feedback Before 10am on: 17/09/2021 20 working days after deadline (L4, 5 and 7) 15 working days after deadline (L6) 10 working days after deadline (block delivery) Unit title & code Human Resource Management SHR018-2 Assignment number and title 2: Case Study (Netflix case study pdf in Breo) Assignment type Report Weighting of assignment 60% Size or length of assessment 2,500 words Unit learning outcomes 1. Critique and debate key and contemporary arguments about the theory and practice of HRM and how ethical expectations are met in practice whilst assessing its contribution to the organisation. 2. Evaluate and analyze workplace scenarios relating to relevant business strategies for professional, ethical, effective, and efficient HRM within current organizational contexts. What am I required to do in this assignment? Note: Please read the case study on Netflix that is in your Assessment 1 Why do you think Netflix was successful in its human resource practices, especially regarding their “hire and fire” policy? Discuss first about the policy in the United States, and then how you think it will work globally? 2 Critically analyse the recruitment practices of Netflix. 3 Critically analyse the challenges and opportunities of effectively and efficiently developing sustainable HRM system with focus on performance and ethical practices 4 Please provide recommendation for Netflix, on how they can improve their policies and practices? What do I need to do to pass? (Threshold Expectations from UIF) In order to pass Assessment 2 you will need to: Use relevance contemporary academic theory, frameworks, models, and debate around the week one to week nine topics. • Demonstrate a basic level of understanding with regards to the debates of current and future developments in HRM locally and internationally. • Show a basic level of ability to identify and review major contemporary research and debates in HRM locally and internationally. • Present adequate evidence of knowing how to implement HRM strategies. How do I produce high quality work that merits a good grade? Directly address the Learning Outcomes and threshold expectations (see above). Use of relevance contemporary academic theory, frameworks, and models. Showing clear understanding of the policies and practices of HRM identified, and link this then with the analysis to produce recommendations in a clear and practical way. How does this assignment relate to what we are doing in scheduled sessions? The aim of this assessment is to increase your critical thinking around HRM in organizations and how it is impacted regularly by environmental changes as well as developing your skills in analyzing the outcomes of a workplace survey. This assignment is based on a case study exploring several aspects of HRM. This requires you to become more critical in your understanding of HRM, becoming ‘thinking performers’ as you attempt to find solutions to the issues presented in the case study whilst ensuring an efficient, effective, ethical and professional HRM function. Over the weeks of the semester we will debate and discuss how we can best achieve a high performance workforce, minimizing under-productivity and fostering a progressive work environment. Lectures will be supplemented with practical seminars exploring similar issues in a range of organisations. Successful completion of the unit will give you a comprehensive and detailed overview of how you as a business management graduate with specialized knowledge of HR are able to make a greater impact in the organization, increasing your contribution and effectiveness in working through and with your organizational colleagues to increase the well-being of the business for sustained competitive advantage. How will my assignment be marked? Your assignment will be marked according to the threshold expectations and the criteria on the following page. You can use them to evaluate your own work and consider your grade before you submit. 3rd Class – 40-49% Lower 2nd – 50-59% Upper 2nd – 60-69% 1st Class – 70%+ Identification of the HRM practices and policies of recruitment. 20% Critically analyze the recruitment practices. 20% The practices and policies have been identified and there is some evidence of understanding, within the discussion, of why those policies/practices are important considerations for HRM. There is limited evidence of wider reading from a limited range of sources. Attempts to describe appropriate HRM theory, practice, or process, drawing on published sources introduced. Limited evidence of understanding key issues and concepts. The practices and policies have been identified and there is reasonable evidence of understanding, within the discussion, of why those policies/practices are important considerations for HRM. There is evidence of wider reading with some literature derived from good-quality sources. Logically and relevantly focused description of HRM theory, practice or process, using published sources introduced in the unit but with limited evidence of wider reading. The practices and policies have been identified using a theoretical framework/concept. There is good evidence of understanding, within the discussion, of why those policies/practices are important considerations for HRM. There is also good evidence of wider reading with all of the literature derived from good-quality sources. Appropriate key aspects or main ideas of the chosen HRM theory, practice or process identified, using published sources. The practices and policies have been identified using a theoretical framework/concept. There is very good evidence of understanding, within the discussion, of why those policies/practices are important considerations for HRM. There is also very good evidence of wider reading with the literature derived from high-quality sources. The key aspects or main ideas of the chosen HRM theory, practice or process is identified appropriately, supported using several credible published sources. Identify the challenges and opportunities in performance and ethical practices. 30% The challenges and opportunities have been identified but there is little justification for why they are the challenges/opportunities. A limited range of literature and research sources on the issues has been consulted and is referenced throughout the report. The challenges and opportunities have been identified and there is some justification for why they are the challenges and opportunities. Some essential literature and research sources on the issues has been consulted and are referenced throughout the report. The challenges and opportunities have been identified and there is good justification for why they are the challenges and opportunities. The report exhibits a good understanding of the issues from both theoretical and applied perspectives. There is a good range of literature and sources referenced throughout the report. The challenges and opportunities have been identified and there is particularly good justification for why they are the challenges and opportunities. The report exhibits a clear understanding of the issues from both theoretical and applied perspectives. There is a very good range of literature and sources referenced throughout the report. Recommendations 20% Recommendations are made but demonstrate little linkage with the analysis. There is limited/no justification for why the recommendations might work. Recommendations are made and demonstrate some linkage with the analysis. There is some justification for why the recommendations might work, but the evidence is limited. Recommendations are made and demonstrate a clear connection with the analysis. There is good justification for why the recommendations might work, with examples drawn from a range of sources. Recommendations are made and demonstrate a very clear connection with the analysis. There is excellent justification for why the recommendations might work, with examples and academic evidence drawn from a range of high-quality sources. Presentation 10% The report is reasonably professional in style, but improvements could be made. The spelling, grammar and punctuation are reasonable, but with some errors. References are, largely, in the correct Harvard format but with some minor errors. The report is reasonably professional in style, but improvements could be made. The spelling, grammar and punctuation are good, but there are some minor errors. References are in the correct Harvard format. The report is professional in style, and there are few improvements that could be made. The spelling, grammar and punctuation are good, with no or very minor errors. References are in the correct Harvard format. The report is professional in style, and very well presented that could be made. The spelling, grammar and punctuation are excellent, with no errors. References are in the correct Harvard format.

HR assignment on Netflix case study. Structure to be followed. I will upload the assignment brief, Netflix case study and the structure given. Thank you Kind regards Submission Deadline Marks and Feedback Before 10am on: 17/09/2021 20 working days after deadline (L4, 5 and 7) 15 working days after deadline (L6) 10 working days after … Read more

Session 3 Behavior Intervention Mind Map Research a program or therapeutic practice for behavioral intervention. Select from the following list one program or therapeutic practice that interests you: Alcoholics Anonymous Celebrate Recovery Dialectical Behavior Therapy Positive Behavior Interventions

Session 3 Behavior Intervention Mind Map Research a program or therapeutic practice for behavioral intervention. Select from the following list one program or therapeutic practice that interests you: Alcoholics Anonymous Celebrate Recovery Dialectical Behavior Therapy Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) Harvest Farm: Addiction Recovery Love and Logic Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Salvation Army: Support for … Read more

Part 1 Literature review o management burnal articles on ener•sustainabilit challenges within the business sector you chose Topics to cover here include but are not limited to: Overview of the energy needs of the sector (e.g., as described in white papers issued by energy institutions, by industry peak bodies, etc.) Overview of th

Part 1 Literature review o management burnal articles on ener•sustainabilit challenges within the business sector you chose Topics to cover here include but are not limited to:  Overview of the energy needs of the sector (e.g., as described in white papers issued by energy institutions, by industry peak bodies, etc.) Overview of the sustainability challenge … Read more

Assessment Alongside Singapore’s Nature-Based Solutions projects (e.g. Tengah Forest Town), to adapt and build resilience to climate change, the Government aims to transition to net zero emissions by 2050. As a responsible business management consultant, you have been invited to join a Government Task Force to advise how d

Assessment Alongside Singapore’s Nature-Based Solutions projects (e.g. Tengah Forest Town), to adapt and build resilience to climate change, the Government aims to transition to net zero emissions by 2050. As a responsible business management consultant, you have been invited to join a Government Task Force to advise how different businesses should adapt to this plan … Read more


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