Cloud Processing. In this assignment you will continue the development of your recommendation to your client, and will build upon Assignment #1. Your client is unsure whether it’s a good idea to put this new data analytics function into the cloud or not. So what is the cloud? What does it do? Who are some of the dominant providers of cloud services? What are the different kinds of services available? You should assume your client already knows the basics about the cloud – so you do not have to educate him/her about it. Importantly, what are the consequences of each potential choice of cloud platform? A choice you make at this point will affect things like downstream capital purchases, hardware/software maintenance considerations, information security, application development, your communications network, staffing requirements, and more.

Cloud Processing. In this assignment you will continue the development of your recommendation to your client, and will build upon Assignment #1. Your client is unsure whether it’s a good idea to put this new data analytics function into the cloud or not. So what is the cloud? What does it do? Who are some … Read more

You are running for an elected position as a state representative for your district. Part of your potential constituent’s concerns includes the newly formed juvenile pretrial program for diversion of first time nonviolent drug offenders. The community wants to know where the representative candidates stand on the issue of juvenile drug offender pretrial diversion and why. They do not understand why they should have to pay fo

You are running for an elected position as a state representative for your district. Part of your potential constituent’s concerns includes the newly formed juvenile pretrial program for diversion of first time nonviolent drug offenders. The community wants to know where the representative candidates stand on the issue of juvenile drug offender pretrial diversion and … Read more

Entrepreneurs Loss Aversion and Repayment plans behavior in Omani society Entrepreneurs Loss Aversion and Repayment plans behavior in Omani society You should include an abstract (summary) of the project, inclusive of results and conclusions. This should be no more than 500 words (not counted for the total 8,000) and should fit on a single sheet. The dissertation title, your name, and the date should appear at the top of the abstract. The dissertation should start with an introduction clearly stating the research question 1- The Role of loss aversion and is it a result of process or a Characteristic of an Attribute in Omani entrepreneurs. 2- Repayment Behavior in debt and is it rational decision making within Omani entrepreneurs society? Is Repayment Behavior in debt and rational decision making within Omani entrepreneurs society? Entrepreneurs Loss Aversion and Repayment plans behavior in Omani society Dissertation guidlines

Entrepreneurs Loss Aversion and Repayment plans behavior in Omani society Entrepreneurs Loss Aversion and Repayment plans behavior in Omani society You should include an abstract (summary) of the project, inclusive of results and conclusions. This should be no more than 500 words (not counted for the total 8,000) and should fit on a single sheet. … Read more

Corporate Finance and Crowdfunding

Corporate Finance and Crowdfunding  Firm Selection Select a company listed on an internationally recognised and well-established Stock Exchange (such as London, New York, Tokyo, Mumbai). It is important that historical share and stock index price data and financial statements for the selected firm and its competitors is available for a minimum of 5 years. It … Read more

How useful are indices to investors, such as those provided by MSCI and the JLL GRETI, when adopting an international real estate investment strategy?

How useful are indices to investors, such as those provided by MSCI and the JLL GRETI, when adopting an international real estate investment strategy? •Brief explanation of the appraisal method 120 words •Useful ness of the method in the real estate market 120 words •Brief explanation of transaction method 120 words  •Usefulness of the method … Read more

Factor the following polynomial: 9 x 2 – 24X + 16

A problem from the TD exercises which you cannot figure out. Post your thought process and what you have tried so far as well as where you “got stuck.”   A response to a classmate who did not understand a problem explaining how to do it. The TDs are a great way for us all … Read more

Tanzil is 20 years old. He never completed his General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) exams. He works for the UK Border Agency as a baggage handler. The management of the airport where Tanzil works sent him a brief letter advising him that very serious allegations had been made about him and that he would have to attend a disciplinary hearing to answer the accusations.

1. . ‘Judicial review of executive action is an essential process in a constitutional democracy founded on the rule of law.’ (Anthony Bradley and Keith Ewing, 2007)  Discuss. 2. Tanzil is 20 years old. He never completed his General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) exams. He works for the UK Border Agency as a baggage … Read more

Use the information provided to calculate the 95% confidence interval for the difference in energy intake between males and females. Assume a pooled variance (for simplicity, it is fine for you to just average the two variances since the sample sizes in the groups are almost identical). Use a T-value rather than a Z-value when building the confidence interval.

SHOW ALL WORK Refer to the table provided to answer the questions below. The study compared independent groups.   a) Use the information provided to calculate the 95% confidence interval for the difference in energy intake between males and females. Assume a pooled variance (for simplicity, it is fine for you to just average the … Read more

How does Much Ado About Nothing demonstrate the conventions of Commedia del l’arte?

       Prompt 1: How does Much Ado About Nothing demonstrate the conventions of Commedia del l’arte?              Prompt 2: Having read the text, become a film critic and review the film. Consider,             especially, the casting.   The Tempest questions: 1.  At the end of the play, Prospero renounces all power, even dominion over his own brother, … Read more

Developing a Presentation Discussing Pretrial Motions

Develop a Presentation Discussing Pretrial Motions Presentation in which you discuss the purpose and the requirement of the following pretrial motions in a criminal trial: Summary JudgmentMotion to DismissExclusion of Physical EvidenceExclusion of Witness TestimonyMotion to ChangeMotion for the Release of Evidence For each pretrial motion, discuss what it is, how it is utilized, and … Read more


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