For the reaction below write all the possible products. Decide the relationship between all the isomers and decide if the reaction is specific or selective. Please take into consideration the region and stereo control.

For the reaction below write all the possible products. Decide the relationship between all the isomers and decide if the reaction is specific or selective. Please take into consideration the region and stereo control. 2. Compound A undergoes a cascade of electrocyclic reactions to give compound B under thermal conditions and C under photochemical conditions. … Read more

Question Activist A: “Globalisation is an experience that has split societies and relations within societies, creating inequalities that are frankly unacceptable. It has become a social epidemic we can no longer stand by the sidelines to watch as globa

Question Activist A: “Globalisation is an experience that has split societies and relations within societies, creating inequalities that are frankly unacceptable. It has become a social epidemic we can no longer stand by the sidelines to watch as global citizens, we need to act now”. Based on your understanding of globalisation, critically evaluate the statement … Read more

“ZYX” is a manufacturer of components for bicycles. They used to run IT services in-house until 3 years ago when in a cost-cutting exercise the activities done by the IT department were outsourced to an external provider called “ECT”. Therefore, the computers currently used by the company are set up, configured and managed by the external provider. “ZYX” still has a small IT department, which mostly maintains end-user applications. Additionally, the IT department al

Scenario  “ZYX” is a manufacturer of components for bicycles. They used to run IT services in-house until 3 years ago when in a cost-cutting exercise the activities done by the IT department were outsourced to an external provider called “ECT”. Therefore, the computers currently used by the company are set up, configured and managed by … Read more

Locate in the popular business media of your choice 3 companies that have been either suffering significant performance setbacks or enjoying performance improvements. Research briefly the organisational sources of these performance problems or successes. There may certainly be other sou

Locate in the popular business media of your choice 3 companies that have been either suffering significant performance setbacks or enjoying performance improvements. Research briefly the organisational sources of these performance problems or successes. There may certainly be other sources of their failures/successes, such as macro-economic factors, global/political factors, etc., but focus on organisational root … Read more

Question 1 (a) List all the types of structural elements that can be found in this development and describe its typical construction processes. Diagram can be used to aid the explanation if required. (b) Describe at least TWO (2) types of facade and curtain wall systems that are being used and discuss their merit and demerit

Question 1 (a) List all the types of structural elements that can be found in this development and describe its typical construction processes. Diagram can be used to aid the explanation if required. (b) Describe at least TWO (2) types of facade and curtain wall systems that are being used and discuss their merit and … Read more

2. Your Task For this assignment, you are to conduct a literature review on the subject matter to write the Report. The number of articles to examine is FOUR (4). Each selected article must not be (a) less than 2,000 words and (b) must not be published before 201

Background Your boss just came back from an HRM conference. He is keen to learn more about the latest application of people management theories and concepts in organisations. Over lunch, he asked you to prepare a Report on “Employee Engagement and Work Motivation During the Covid-19 Pandemic”. 2. Your Task For this assignment, you are … Read more

Question 1 Rent-a-Car is a car rental company with a large fleet of cars and it offers short term rental to both individual and corporate customers. To rent a car, a customer must be registered. If the customer is an individual, the customer name, an email and a contact number are required. If the customer is a corporate customer, the company registrat

Question 1 Rent-a-Car is a car rental company with a large fleet of cars and it offers short term rental to both individual and corporate customers. To rent a car, a customer must be registered. If the customer is an individual, the customer name, an email and a contact number are required. If the customer … Read more

To Grow in ASEAN, Go “Glocal” It seems unlikely that putting meat floss on top of a simple white-bread bun could help drive a company’s expansion to 17 int

Organisations in a Global Context  To Grow in ASEAN, Go “Glocal” It seems unlikely that putting meat floss on top of a simple white-bread bun could help drive a company’s expansion to 17 international markets. But that is what has happened at BreadTalk, the high-growth food and beverage group that sprouted from a single outlet … Read more

Question 3(a) Reason+explain and link to the story+conclusion impact on Apple. (For example, there will be a loss of trust and confidence in Apple(reason) Use examples in the story to explain, for example, in the story, Apple reported there is 1 customer…..(Explain). Then make a (conclude impact on Apple). Question

3. According to the article: a. Give 2 reasons why this incident could lead to a loss in profit or sales revenue for Apple. b. What specific lesson in organizational culture could be learnt from the way in which Apple responded to this incident? And in what way did it help Apple? Question 3(a) Reason+explain … Read more

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is one of the most commonly studied developmental disabilities. To meet the clinical diagnostic criteria for ASDs, individuals must have persistent deficits in social communication and social interac

ASSIGNMENT QUESTION Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is one of the most commonly studied developmental disabilities. To meet the clinical diagnostic criteria for ASDs, individuals must have persistent deficits in social communication and social interaction as well as evidence of restricted and repetitive patterns of behaviour, interests, or activities. ASD commonly cooccurs with other neurodevelopmental symptoms … Read more


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