The Scopes Monkey Trial, as it was popularly known, is one of the most famous episodes of the Fundamentalist-Modernist controversy in American Protestantism. Read about the Scopes Trial in your textbook (and feel free to do some background research online if you’re curious), and look at the political cartoons I’ve posted in the “Scopes Trial Sources” folder of this week’s module.
Questions to Consider: (you do not have to answer these questions in the discussion forums. They’re just to help guide your thinking.)
• Which cartoon do you think best represents the viewpoint of Fundamentalists? Which cartoon criticizes Fundamentalists? How can you tell? How does each cartoonist make their point?
• What do you think is the argument being made by the “Monkey Business” cartoon? How do you know? What can this cartoon tell us about how Americans in the 1920’s understood and interacted with mass media?
The post The Scopes Monkey Trial first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.
The post The Scopes Monkey Trial first appeared on