We had an exercise in the class and I must write a journal on it.
We were two student in this exercise. I was the Representative, BestBook and my partner was the representative, Paige Turner . After our negotiation on the terms we came up with our final decision as it is shows in the attached file (Final Negotiation Agreements). Please write a paper on this assignment and link it on how it could affect me on management. You have to write based on the attached file (LJ Element Detailed Descriptions). Under that file and under section 3 [Abstract Conceptualization (AC)] you have to write some example that we took in class and from our current book and not the one shown on that file, so because of that I attached some slides from our course so you can use it or you can use the file (Interpreting Your Scores on the Thomas)
on the Excel file (Negotiations Spring 2017) the highlighted yellow is me and my partner.
Please it must be original work and make sure to read all the attached file especially the instructions.
Go by the 5 Elements of the Journal Entry and under section 3 write an example from the slides.
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